Madden NFL 17 release date announced; cover athlete reveal coming this week

Surprise! EA Sports is working on another Madden NFL game, which will be released later this Summer.


Electronic Arts has announced Madden NFL 17 is currently in development and will release on August 23, 2016.

Madden NFL 17 is currently being developed by EA Tiburon and is slated for a release on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One. Xbox One owners will be able to play the game early, so long as they're active EA Access subscribers.

EA also revealed it will be announcing the cover athlete for Madden NFL 17 and showing off its first gameplay trailer later this week. Madden fans can tune into the 6pm ET / 3pm PT edition of ESPN SportsCenter on May 12, which will reveal who the cover athlete is for Madden NFL 17 while also giving viewers a first look at an all-new gameplay trailer.

As is customary in the ever-so popular announcements of announcements that are becoming popular among publishers, there’s no real information outside of what we reported above. So if you’re interested in checking out the first gameplay trailer of Madden NFL 17 and seeing who the Madden curse will strike this year, then be sure to watch SportsCenter on May 12.

Alternatively, it’s highly likely we’ll publish a story containing both the announcement and gameplay trailer. If you prefer to get all of your information via the Internet, then come on back on May 12 for more Madden goodness.

Senior Editor
From The Chatty
    • reply
      May 9, 2016 11:20 AM

      I hope they fixed everything they broke with 16...

      • reply
        May 9, 2016 11:26 AM

        Standard release practice should be that they'll fix half, introduce 2 or 3 new features, most of which suck and break 5 others. </extreme sarcasm>

        • reply
          May 9, 2016 11:29 AM

          So Madden 18 will be good right? Why can't the NFL open their license up to other devs?


          • reply
            May 9, 2016 11:30 AM

            Both of those sound like good topics for future Shack articles.

            • reply
              May 9, 2016 11:38 AM

              It's just fairly one sided. The NFL is most interested in protecting their brand, which means opening up the license means more cost to them to manage each licensee and make sure they're not doing inappropriate things (allowing late hits, putting an ambulance on the field, including steroids in a story mode, etc). It's unlikely the NFL game market is significantly larger than the Madden market, so licensing the NFL to more companies isn't likely to result in many more sales (ie money), and even if it did a few million more units, that's peanuts to the NFL. The NFL doesn't care that NFL videogames aren't the best possible they could be, they're good enough to sell well and get a positive impression, spreading interest in football.

      • reply
        May 9, 2016 1:16 PM

        For me, it wasn't that Madden 16 was broken. It was that the formula has finally gotten too stale for me to even bother with a season, let alone multiple ones.

        • reply
          May 9, 2016 3:31 PM

          I think they made it too easy to cause dropped or tipped passes. They also made it too hard to rush the passer. The whole 3 buttons to catch thing is dumb. Collision detection while running the ball, also terrible.

    • reply
      May 9, 2016 12:43 PM


    • reply
      May 9, 2016 9:12 PM

      I eagerly await the next Dave Franco short.

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