The Elder Scrolls: Legends closed beta for PC opens

Signups are happening now and you can get in if you play your cards right.


Card games based on popular video game franchises are all the rage right now, and Bethesda is getting into the act with its own version based on its Elder Scrolls franchise, announced last year at E3. Development is obviously in high gear, as the beta has finally begun. 

Bethesda and developer ZeniMax have revealed that select registrants will be selected for to try out the strategy card game in the game's first closed beta for PC, and more will be chosen in coming months. Sign ups are still possible on the company website. 

If you are hearing about this for the first time, here's the official line: "Legends is a strategy card game that explores the series’ characters, creatures, deities, and lore. Whether you have 10 minutes or ten hours, Legends provides a variety of gameplay modes and challenges that are easy-to-learn but difficult to master. Built with all levels of players in mind, Legends offers accessible gameplay for beginners who want to jump in and get started quickly, and the game’s depth keeps expert players engaged. With a wide variety of deck types and strategies, no two games are ever the same." Got it? If not, here's a video formore explanation:

The game is being developed in conjunction with Dire Wolf Digital, and has been announced for PC and iPad, but other platforms will be announced later. No release date or price has yet been revealed. The game will be on display at PAX East in Boston this weekend.

Contributing Editor
From The Chatty
  • reply
    April 21, 2016 8:50 AM

    John Keefer posted a new article, The Elder Scrolls: Legends closed beta for PC opens

    • reply
      April 21, 2016 8:52 AM


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        April 21, 2016 9:02 AM

        Kinda like Elder Scrolls Online was. I really hate these also-ran games.

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        April 21, 2016 9:10 AM

        I dunno, I kinda like the art style.

        Main thing Elder Scrolls has going for it is the strong SP games and the lore. This could be a decent idea if they handle it right.

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        April 21, 2016 10:20 AM

        you have to remember Hearthstone didn't exactly invent the genre here. They've provided a pretty good UI template that others (like this game) are copying but mechanically Hearthstone is very derivative itself.

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          April 21, 2016 10:45 AM


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            April 21, 2016 10:50 AM

            I just don't think 'copying the entire gameplay' is a great critique at this point. Whether their twists on the mechanics works out remain to be seen. But relatively small changes like the lanes can have a significant effect on how the game plays out compared to something like Hearthstone. Hearthstone took Magic's mechanics and with one relatively simple change (minions can attack each other directly) completely change how the game plays in many respects.

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          April 21, 2016 10:47 AM

          and having watched the video now this doesn't even look that much like HS. Direwolf's other game (Eternal) is a far more direct clone of the UI and gameplay (which is Magic's gameplay). This one seems lane based?

    • reply
      April 21, 2016 9:55 AM

      Yeah, I'll pass.

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      April 21, 2016 10:18 AM

      worth noting this is made by hall of fame Magic players and not Bethesda. They know what they're doing as far as card games go.

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      April 22, 2016 5:26 AM

      Serioulsly, After the legal BS with Mojang over the use of the word Scrolls in the title they end up making a collectible card game.

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        April 22, 2016 8:54 AM

        OK, thread is dead so no one's ever going to read this but to reiterate: Zenimax's issue was not that Mojang was making a game called "Scrolls"

        Mojang applied for a copyright for the name "Scrolls". This isn't in and of itself unusal, but their application was for the use of Scrolls in all media.

        By way of example, the word doom is in the dictionary but you can't make a game called "DOOM" or a movie called "DOOM" without running afoul of id's lawyers.

        But if Mojang got its way, then Mojang could sue Bethesda for coming out with a new game called The Elder Scrolls 6: Whatever.

        The issue was settled when Mojang's application was reduced to be specific only to the Scrolls game.

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