See What You're Up Against In Mirror's Edge Catalyst
Meet your match with these upcoming enemy types.
Mirror's Edge Catalyst is the long-awaited follow-up to EA's unexpectedly fantastic Mirror's Edge, and it's on its way to us pretty soon, with a closed beta coming out so you can see if it's for you. Producer Jeremy Miller explained some new details about the game over at the official Mirror's Edge Catalyst blog, including several types of enemies you'll meet within the city of Glass.
KrugerSec's Guardians are a common threat you'll face throughout the game, and while most of the enemies have tossed out guns and find them "barbaric" and crude, they're still a force to be reckoned with, though Runners will be able to take them down with little trouble.

A step up from Guardians are the Protectors, who are more resistant to damage and will strike back when faced with repeated attacks. They also sport protective gear and find strength in numbers.

Shock Protectors are some of the more difficult enemies to take out, and while they don't carry weapons, they do have Kinectic Pacifiers, which can force Runners to the ground. They're not insurmountable, but they can pose a significant risk if you're not careful.

Enforcers are a step up from Shock Protectors, armed with weapons and trained in close quarters combat. They generally choose not to fire near friendly characters, so that could be used to your advantage.

Finally, there's the Sentinel enemy type, an Elite level of KrugerSec. They're extremely fast and can quickly beat you into submission. Equipped with several types of deadly maneuvers, they're trained to kill and not hesitant to do so.

If you're looking to get into Mirror's Edge Catalyst, this should be a good place to start. Honestly it sounds like a vastly expanded departure from the original game, from the enemies alone, and I'm interested to get my hands on it. And a new Runner's bag. I had one...but the strap broke.
Brittany Vincent posted a new article, See What You're Up Against In Mirror's Edge Catalyst
I really need to finish the original Mirror's Edge this year. I've had it on my XBOX for quite a while but I keep forgetting about it, being a digital download among my other games-on-discs.
What I did play was so unique and a bit stressful TBH, and I usually prefer story-driven games but the experience was original enough to make it interesting.