Fallout 4 Survival Mode now available on PC; coming to consoles in April

We have a feeling you're not going to survive Survival Mode. Trust us.


The long-awaited Survival Mode for Fallout 4 is now available on Steam and is expected to be available on consoles starting next month.

Survival Mode, which is currently in beta, is a new difficulty mode that will challenge Fallout fans by forcing them to make choices via contrasting motivations. As a result, the following four major pillars have been added for Survival Mode: Strategy, Exploration, Resource Management, and Role Playing.

Here are how these four pillars influence Survival Mode:

  • Strategy: Intensify decisions involving when to get into combat versus when to avoid it, and also make you think more about what gear to take into combat. Then back up those decisions with faster, more brutal fights.
  • Exploration: Slow down the pace of the game and encourage players to explore the nooks and crannies of the world.
  • Resource Management: Balance out items in the world that may be too easy to acquire or horde, giving players more to consider when planning their current loadout.
  • Role Playing: Increase the realism of the world and the issues one might face there.

As a result, Survival Mode will offer some big changes, including needing to sleep in order to save your game, disabling of Fast Travel, and increasing the damage you dish out and receive. That’s not all as enemies will no longer display on the compass unless added by a Recon scope, and you’ll have to take your wellness, like your exhaustion, hunger, and thirst, into consideration if you want to survive the Wasteland.

There’s much more information regarding Fallout 4’s Survival Mode that those who are considering taking on this challenge. If you’re one of those with the testicular fortitude to take on Survival Mode, read more about it over at Bethesda’s official post about it.

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