Star Fox Zero will include an invincible Arwing for beginners

Do a barrel roll! Or don't. It really doesn't matter with this Arwing.


Star Fox Zero will include a vehicle that will allow the player to experience the game without taking any damage, thus rendering them invincible.

In an interview with Time, Shigeru Miyamoto revealed this optional vehicle as a way for beginners to play the upcoming title without becoming frustrated if they don’t have the skills necessary to survive the onslaught of attacks. Instead of making Star Fox Zero easier, Miyamoto decided to offer the optional vehicle. "I’m not very supportive of simply making a game easy so that people who don’t play games can play the game themselves [...] So for instance there’ll be a way for them to get an invincible Arwing, so that they can fly through and see the levels."

This wouldn’t be the first time a Nintendo game has include an option for beginners to enjoy their game without becoming frustrated by its difficulty. For example, Donkey Kong Country Returns and New Super Mario Bros. both have an invincibility option for those who have trouble with their difficulty.

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