Nintendo Miiverse redesign is now available on Wii U, 3DS, and web

Nintendo has rolled out its improvements to its Miiverse service which now includes a Screen Shot Album, Play Journal, and more.


Nintendo’s planned major Miiverse update is now available.

As outlined earlier this month, today’s update to Miiverse promises to make communicating with others and capturing special moments within a game much easier.

Today’s update starts with the redesign of Miiverse itself and continues through a number of new features. Some of these features includes the Screen Shot Album, which is a private album that can hold up to 100 screenshots, and the Play Journal, which can record a player’s unique game experience by writing journal entries as they play a particular game.

The new Miiverse can be viewed on the Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, or on the web at

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