PSA: Shacknews DevCon1 applications now open
Applications are now open for Shacknews' first Code Jam.
Shacknews is all set to kick off its first Code Jam. We are opening the first DevCon1 Code Jam to our community of both Chatty posters and readers alike. The purpose of the weekend is to allow our readers and posters the opportunity to place their creative stamp on Shacknews' Chatty page, an institutional part of our website for nearly two decades.
DevCon1 will take place in Jersey City, NJ from April 2-5. While the actual coding will happen on that Friday and Saturday, Shacknews has a full weekend planned for those selected to attend. Hotel will be provided for all applicants selected.
For more information and the application, visit the Shacknews Lab or check out the thread on Chatty.
Shack Staff posted a new article, PSA: Shacknews DevCon1 applications now open