New Nintendo 3DS confirmed for North America release

The new Nintendo 3DS has finally been confirmed for North American release. Read all about it here!


Nintendo announced its New Nintendo 3DS last August, although at the time, it would only be available in Japan. Just recently, we saw the New 3DS make its way to Europe, and today, Nintendo has announced their latest handheld will be making its way to North America on Februay 13, 2015 for $199.99.

The New Nintendo 3DS XL will come in New Red and New Black and features a small analog nub, called the C-Stick, above its face buttons, two additional shoulder buttons, an upgraded CPU, improved 3D technology, and supports custom covers. The upgraded processor means you should expect a much more responsive feel to the 3DS’ software, as well as upcoming software being made available only on this new piece of hardware. Fortunately, all previously released 3DS games shouldn't have a problem running on the New 3DS.

The New Nintendo 3DS XL will use microSD card instead of using the standard SD card that has been used on the Nintendo 3DS up until now. Those purchasing the New 3DS should know an AC adapter will not be made available in the retail packaging. Instead, Nintendo is hoping you've got a couple of AC adapters lying around in your home in order to charge the New 3DS. Don't have one? Well, that's what eBay is for, I guess.

Senior Editor
From The Chatty
  • reply
    January 14, 2015 6:31 AM

    Daniel Perez posted a new article, New Nintendo 3DS confirmed for North America release

    • reply
      January 14, 2015 6:53 AM


    • reply
      January 14, 2015 8:51 AM


    • reply
      January 14, 2015 12:08 PM

      No mention of the smaller version? I guess the OG 3DS didn't sell well enough in America?

      • reply
        January 14, 2015 12:12 PM

        It also had terrible battery life, as well as janky buttons and joystick.

        • reply
          January 14, 2015 12:46 PM

          Well, I have one and like it. Yeah, the battery lasts about an hour shorter, but I've never had problems with the buttons and joystick. I can play Mario Kart 7 pretty well, though I haven't had enough time with an XL to compare. My only serious complaint is that using the d-pad gets tiring due to the system's size, though I hear that's still a problem with the XL.

          And I was also really hoping the N3DS would have purple face buttons like the SNES.

          • reply
            January 14, 2015 12:48 PM

            Oh, and there is definitely another major complaint for the Old 3DS, it scratches itself. I currently leave a piece of cloth between the two halves, but will get screen protectors eventually.

      • reply
        January 14, 2015 12:12 PM

        Here in America, we like everything BIGGER!

    • reply
      January 14, 2015 1:11 PM

      No AC adapter is unbelievable

    • reply
      January 14, 2015 1:18 PM

      Not the non-XL one. Thanks Nintendo.

      I'm guessing they want to sell all 3, and think they'll get more money this way

    • reply
      January 14, 2015 9:19 PM


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