Shacknews has returned to begin a year full of gaming coverage. It all starts with the continuation of our annual tradition, where each staff member lays out a number of games that they're anticipating for the new year.

Batman: Arkham Knight
I'm probably not alone in my eager anticipation of Batman: Arkham Knight. I played the hell out of the first two games, so of course I have to finish the trilogy. Especially since it'll supposedly be the last Batman game Rocksteady develops. It's going to be great blowing things up with the batmobile, because Batman doesn't believe in using guns... unless they're mounted on a vehicle. Then guns, missiles, and all that other fun stuff is fair game. Plus, we all need to figure out the mystery of who the Arkham Knight actually is. Arkham Knight vs Batmobile. Which will come out victorious?

Killing Floor 2
Few games embrace the sheer joy of mindless carnage the way Killing Floor does. My friends and I have put many hours into the current KF, and we're looking forward to dedicating many more to the sequel. With upgraded graphics, body parts flying everywhere, and plenty of blood, I can see Killing Floor 2 being the perfect weekend game.

Mortal Kombat X
I'm not very good at fighting games, but I'm still a sucker for them. Especially over-the-top bloody ones like Mortal Kombat. I like what Netherrealm did with Injustice, I'm impressed with the MKX gameplay reveals so far, and I'm totally looking forward to being ripped apart by fatalities.

Rainbow Six: Siege
With a few exceptions, I'm not usually a fan of online shooters, but the short Rainbow Six: Siege demo I played at E3 really impressed me. I really like the concept of having small teams go head-to-head against each other in an enclosed space with destructible walls. I just need to keep from dying within the first five minutes.

Shadow Realms
Although a lot of people are looking at Evolve for intense 4v1 action, but my sights are fixed on Shadow Realms. Yes, there aren't too many details about how the game will play, nor is there any guarantee that the game will release this year, but the idea seems pretty ambitious nonetheless. Personally, I want to play as a Shadowlord and lay waste to heroes using creatures, spells, and traps. Given how impressed I was with Dragon Age: Inquisition, BioWare is in my favorite developer list right now.
Grim Fandango
I'm often asked what makes Grim Fandango so great by friends who missed out on it when it originally released in 1998. The remastered edition will be a chance to show, rather than tell. Plus, it gives me the perfect opportunity to come up with quips about how adventure games are returning from the dead. I'm very much looking forward to reliving this adventure game, along with Day of the Tentacle Special Edition, when it releases.
Steven Wong posted a new article, Most Anticipated 2015: Steven's Picks