Maingear brings NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 and 980 to its custom gaming PCs
Maingear will now allow its customers to purchase a customized desktop with either NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 970 or 980 to their orders.
Maingear is one of the most popular builders of custom gaming PCs, and today, the company is announcing they will be able to deliver even better performance in their upcoming rigs now that they’ve added the new NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 and GTX 980 graphics cards to their stable of options.
The first line of custom desktops that can be fitted with the GeForce GTX 970 and GTX 980 are Maingear’s SHIFT, F131, Vybe, Rush and Force. All of the mentioned desktops that are ordered with the GeForce GTX 970 or GTX 980 will benefit from their ability to deliver realistic real-time lighting , advanced NVIDIA Cone-Traced Global Illumination and NVIDIA G-Sync, which is able to deliver a smooth and tear-free gaming experience.
Both graphics cards also feature NVIDIA’s Super Resolution technology, which is able to deliver a 4K experience on a 1080p display, which means you won’t have to go out and buy yourself a new monitor just to enjoy the 4K goodness. And for those who own an NVIDIA SHIELD, the GeForce GTX 980 is also paired with NVIDIA GameStream which allows gamers the ability to stream their PC games to their SHIELD.
Daniel Perez posted a new article, Maingear brings NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 and 980 to its custom gaming PCs.
Maingear will now allow its customers to purchase a customized desktop with either NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 970 and 980 to their orders.-
:) \m/ [high five] LoioshDwaggie
You know I have two new dual sli water pumps(the pumps work in parallel cool stuff) siting on my table to basically create a RAID1 water solution. I may make a vid of me upgrading my rig you just got me juiced up(gonna change the CPU water block too with a new one gonna be all EK now). I have not made a vid in such a long time(been mad busy) and I really should put these killer new pump in my rig so I have remove the water cooling failure rate like I planned.
After my SSD died and I have gone all backup and failure rate crazy so I don't loose my game been good times re building my rig and learning things.
LoioshDwaggie you gonna get a 980 or wait for Titan 2 or the refresh, pretty sure your card is pretty solid right now?
:) pretty much this ^^^ and I just made my zombies shot poison projectiles like Reptile in MK9 and they hit for a nice burst damage then infect the target for a 6 second DOT, they also sport really sexy particles and look ace.
All around a awesome day new GPUs, TGS, and working on my game what more could you want \m/
But damn I want the 900 Titan 2 I think I am gonna wait for that, plus ti is good timing on my current $ situation, gonna have to wait it out.
I have till midnight to decide if I roll my Titans and buy a couple 980s right now I think I am gonna hang on to my Titains till the Titan 2. But shit those slides on the 900s are so epic the new tech is crazy.
Also I have to say it is really cool you guys are starting to slowly post PC stuff, I noticed.
That's all we had given to us. Yeah, I acknowledge that the focus wasn't in the right spot and that's on me, but some folks need to relax. Some of these comments are harsh and unfairly so, given that we're trying really hard to get something up in a timely manner. Daniel was the only one available to write anything, since I was actually at the Nvidia event in person and this got put on his lap on really short notice. Relax. Chill. Go read the Nvidia interview if this isn't to your taste.
I mean let's say I worked for you right. Apple announces the new iPhone and Apple watch and you tell me to write a piece about it. So then I post an article about Ting phone network will eventually be selling the new iPhone as an option as well as other Android phones.
Do you like my work? Are you disappointed? Or just confused? -
We aren't over reacting. This is another bad article in a string of bad articles. You could have replaced this story with a review roundup or something that wasn't just a shitty advertisement. This isn't news or even interesting. There's a dozen angles you could have used to talk about the new GPUs and this is what you went with.
PC manufacturer will use newest gpu in their new machines. Well no shit? They all do the same thing for every new card. -
Who cares though? I don't care if they have tits and slot machines on the front page, as long as they don't fuck with the chatty, do what they need to do to survive.
I wish people wouldn't complain about this shit, who cares? Well ok obviously some people do but fuck? This is /chatty/ if you've got a lightning bolt on your name here and half of us do - I doubt you come here for the articles.
I literally go to regular "" like.... once every month or so?-
There's a lot of really harsh criticism going after Ozzie and the content team here. I'm glad you made this post, abrasion. Sometimes we get a little too obsessed with minor mistakes.
Shack is trying to be relevant. Hopefully we'll give them more time to figure out the right voice for the site without instantly jumping down their throats.-
Well none of us pay for the site, I'm sure 2/3 of em have ad block on, we can't buy "shackspace" which I (and many) did to support the place. Considering none of us REALLY know this new fella yet or the crew, we don't have that weird bond everyone had with Steve either (I didn't he fucking hated me) - so no one is going to do a "save the shack, paypal" thing either.
I suspect considering the tone of the comments in the past 12 months on shacknews, that it would be EXTREMELY unlikely to get the long term fans to pony up money here. (that's my gut feeling, personaly)
So that being said, if the site wants to run, without gamefly who had their own gig on the side, they need cash. So yeah - hence my post. As long as posts aren't nuked for "ONLY DEALS FROM DEALS.SHACKNEWS" or something - I really don't give a fuck.
I would have done that even up to 18 months ago. I'm not trying to stir shit here but I probably wouldn't at the moment. There's been a feeling of instability as if you're in a rocky relationship for a long time, be it the news posts, ownership status, moderation, general feel from other members here, just posting quality in general and of course my age / time.
Hey though, opening that option up may bring in some money from others, I don't speak for everyone - so it could be worth it.
FWIW any time before the last 18 months, I probably would, at any time. Even when Moz dug his knife in.
Here is where I come down on this issue and why I care. I want the Shack to survive, thrive and be a good site. When I see shitty articles like this, it makes me worry for the future of this place if this is the content that's supposed to draw in hits and money.
The website is a vehicle for the chatty and if the website fails, the chatty dies with it. You should REALLY want the Shack to have quality content that its current users are proud of and that new users find interesting so they stick around. This article is not it.-
We can have a discussion on quality without instantly jumping down the throat of any bad post and calling a new writer 'Buzzfeed clickbait piece of shit.'
If you want it to succeed, provide positive and constructive feedback, especially to new writers. Give examples of what you want to see, be constructive and helpful, and tell people who are being shitty to knock it off.
Basically, what's come out here has been 'Ozzie you fucking suck and your site sucks and we hate everything Daniel's going to do.'
That's not how you act if you want a site to succeed. -
No that's where you're wrong, I see the spirit of your post but you're wrong.
I don't want the shack to have quality content, I want the shack to have PROFITABLE content - that's what keeps us in the chatty.
Quality content probably makes sites fuck all money, extremely difficult to do etc. The internet is all about breaking some awful news first or copying and pasting links from elsewhere.
They are infact fucked as it is because of cess pits like reddit, people just go there for aggregated news.
They need a different schtick to pull in the coin, fuck knows what that is - but from now until the time they make profit, there's probably gonna be some crazy ideas - like the chatty snack vicdeo things, streaming games, giveaways, articles, c/p bullshit news things, promoted articles, who knows what.
I don't care - does resolve in my browser? Are the mods behaving fairly well? Is there an ed209 at the bottom of the page? Sweet, I'm sold.
I don't think I'm wrong and if you think stories like this drive in users or keep users, then you're delusional.
If this Maingear company paid them to run this story and this is the direction they are going where they accept money to run stories, then fine but I think its embarrassing and will post that when I see it.-
Cool well you answered my thing for me - you're still gonna post about it (using the site) and they are still gonna get paid for the article.
It'd be nice if we could have it the other way but the internet is an asshole now, making a buck probably ain't easy. I bet techreport make fuck all on those guides they do (4 to 6 a year!) and each one sponsored by newegg with links back to the items - they try to be open about it - btut they still need to spam the article 6 times a year. -
Do you honestly think they WANT to post shitty articles? Based on the responses from the editors, it seems like they do not know what they are posting is shitty and are shocked when people don't like it.
I think any feedback is good feedback while they figure things out. Its better than posting story after story with no comments or feel for how its landing.-
If all you're bringing to the table is shill articles, then your website is in a downward spiral. Advertisers will pay for that content as long as the users are there to provide some type of return. If the users see that there is no point in going to the website because all of the content sucks, then they stop coming, which means the advertising money stops coming.
Shit like this happens all the time. Chillax son.