Shacknews Chattycast 09: COBRAAAA!

In which the gang treats important subjects with the reverence and subtlety of 1980s cartoon references.


This week, the regular Chattycast panel is down a man but up a doctor. Dr. Bryan Carr returns to shake his head wearily at the goofball antics, as we discuss proper condiment use, the Amazon Twitch deal, the DDoS attacks, free-to-play games, and sneaky secrets. Plus, we all reference the 1980s G.I. Joe cartoon, because we are old.

Thanks as always to our topic suggesters this week: Nerdsbeware, drhazard, DustySlim, Kojak2000, and icecreambus. If you want your name honored and revered here, keep an eye on Chatty to suggest topics for next week's show!

Games Discussed
Segment 3: Hearthstone, Marvel Heroes, Plants vs Zombies 2, League of Legends, Dota 2, Smite
Segment 4: PT, Fez, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Halo: ODST, Mega Man X, Mortal Kombat

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From The Chatty
Hello, Meet Lola