Deep Silver debuts Dead Island 2 gameplay trailer
We're the bomb and we're about to blow up.
Deep Silver is going into GamesCom this week with guns a-blazing…and blow torches a-blowin' and zombies shattering, and so forth.
The publishing team has debuted a new gameplay trailer for its bloody sequel Dead Island 2, which can be found below. In it, you'll find all sorts of creative ways to take down zombies, whether it's snapping necks, turning them into a gigantic ice cube and smashing them, or, best of all, dropping a bomb on a group and watching them explode.
The game will be playable at the show for the first time, allowing players to get their hands on the bloody mess that awaits. (And we mean that in a good way.)
Dead Island 2 will make its debut sometime next year for Xbox One and PlayStation 4, as well as PC.
Robert Workman posted a new article, Deep Silver debuts Dead Island 2 gameplay trailer.
We're the bomb and we're about to blow up. -