PlayStation 4 has sold over 4.2 million consoles
When Microsoft boasted yesterday that it sold over 3 million Xbox Ones in 2013, it seemed inevitable that Sony would quickly follow with yelling about its own success. During its CES 2014 keynote today, Sony declared that it had sold-through over 4.2 million PlayStation 4 consoles as of December 28.
When Microsoft boasted yesterday that it sold over 3 million Xbox Ones in 2013, it seemed inevitable that Sony would quickly follow with yelling about its own success. During its CES 2014 keynote today, Sony declared that it had sold-through over 4.2 million PlayStation 4 consoles as of December 28.
Sony launched the PS4 in North America on November 16, then trickled out to more territories over the following weeks. 2.1 million PS4s had been sold by early December, and it evidently kept pace over the holiday season.
Xbox One sales were close to the PS4 at first, but Microsoft's system seems to be slowing down. Which I mention purely for context, certainly not to fuel any sort of dreadful Internet namecalling.
Alice O'Connor posted a new article, PlayStation 4 has sold over 4.2 million consoles.
When Microsoft boasted yesterday that it sold over 3 million Xbox Ones in 2013, it seemed inevitable that Sony would quickly follow with yelling about its own success. During its CES 2014 keynote today, Sony declared that it had sold-through over 4.2 million PlayStation 4 consoles as of December 28.-
Whoever is winning usually has their practices adopted by competitors. So I'd rather the industry go more in the direction Sony has taken the PS4, as seen with the Xbox's 180 on DRM. I don't see Sony dominating to the degree they did with the PS2, and that still turned out to be a pretty good generation for games on all platforms.
So yeah, I don't hate the Xbox or anything but I definitely don't want them to walk away with the American market like they did last time.
I think having a dominating company is bad for the industry and it's sad for someone to think so. The crazy shit both companies has done have pushed the consoles in directions I never though we'd see. Some are good for some people and some are good for others. But that's cool, let's go back to one company calling all the real shots. Sounds fun.
I was there on 9/9/99 to get mine. Sony was just as responsible for killing the DC because they sold that thing to people like it would paint your house, cook you breakfast and give you a blowjob... and people (and developers) bought into it. In the end, it played the same games as DC but with blury textures.
The main problem is the cost. The thing adds ~$100 to each Wii U when it's not even used in most of Nintendo's games. They have no chance of turning things around until they ditch that thing as a requirment, and then chances are still pretty slim. It will be very lucky to hit Gamecube numbers.
They should just make their next handheld compatible with all Wii's accessories and give it a TV out. That's the only way I see Nintendo staying in the living room.
I don't really know what this means yet, since there are so few games available for either system and console selection may have been heavily influenced by the launch titles.
However, I will say that I could go to my Best Buy and buy an XBox One right now. PS3s are still on backorder. That could be because MS did a better job producing enough units. Or it could be that XBO isn't selling as well. Maybe a bit of both.
I don't think anyone will really be able to say definitively which one is selling better for at least 6 months, maybe a year.-
What it means is that both consoles are selling several times faster than any previous console generation so there will be tons of games coming sooner than any other generation. 4.2 plus 3 equals a huge new generation with easier than ever cross-platform games means developers can take bigger risks, try different things.