Diablo 3 lead designer: PvP not 'awesome' enough yet

Diablo 3's PvP mode still looks to be a long way from release and the game's lead designer addresses the reasons behind the delay.


Though Blizzard has released Diablo 3 on consoles and is inching closer to completing the Reaper of Souls expansion, the long-delayed PvP mode still appears to be a long way off. Nearly a year after Blizzard declared that the game mode was not meeting expectations, lead designer Kevin Martens has offered an update of sorts as to why PvP has yet to see the light of day.

"The reason why it's difficult to do PvP, is that we made a vast PvE game," Martens tells AusGamers. "The core fantasy for us was 'I want to kill lots of monsters in lots of awesome ways.' You can't kill lots of players in those awesome ways, or lots of players will get ticked off because they have the exact same fantasy as you, and they want to kill you in vast ways, so essentially, the game is automatically changing."

Martens adds that each character varies in terms of power and gear and that the Diablo team hasn't had the experience of balancing players against other players. Because overpowered characters often lead to quick deaths, the team determined that the PvP mode as it was structured was simply not fun.

Martens also rules out the idea of selecting pre-made characters. "People say 'well, why not make pre-made characters? Give me two different Barbs I can chose from, and that's my PvP Barb,' but that's not your PvP Barb, that's some random one. If your gear doesn't matter, and this game is about killing monsters and getting loot, what we're actually making is a different game."

That's not to say that Blizzard has given up on the idea of PvP entirely. Martens says that the team is still working on a PvP mode that utilizes player-built heroes.

Senior Editor

Ozzie has been playing video games since picking up his first NES controller at age 5. He has been into games ever since, only briefly stepping away during his college years. But he was pulled back in after spending years in QA circles for both THQ and Activision, mostly spending time helping to push forward the Guitar Hero series at its peak. Ozzie has become a big fan of platformers, puzzle games, shooters, and RPGs, just to name a few genres, but he’s also a huge sucker for anything with a good, compelling narrative behind it. Because what are video games if you can't enjoy a good story with a fresh Cherry Coke?

From The Chatty
  • reply
    October 28, 2013 1:30 PM

    Ozzie Mejia posted a new article, Diablo 3 lead designer: PvP not 'awesome' enough yet.

    Diablo 3's PvP mode still looks to be a long way from release and the game's lead designer addresses the reasons behind the delay.

    • reply
      October 28, 2013 1:36 PM

      At this point I would rather have Diablo 2 HD.

      • reply
        October 28, 2013 1:39 PM


        • reply
          October 28, 2013 2:30 PM

          For all it's pluses, and good design, Path of Exile is not Diablo.
          It's a good game, but its...different... to Diablo 3.
          And if you thought the loot reward/risk factor was bad in Diablo 3...just wait until you play PoE.
          At least it doesn't have an appallingly story mode you can't bypass.

          • reply
            October 28, 2013 3:01 PM

            yeah, totally agree with Yx....PoE is a very poor man's Diablo, even at the free cost.

            • reply
              October 28, 2013 3:19 PM


              • reply
                October 28, 2013 3:49 PM

                I wanted to like it, seriously. But it was just so bland in presentation, story, and polish. But it does have some interesting and deep skill building.

                The best game I've experienced in this genre is either D3 from a presentation/polish perspective and Torchlight 2 for value and fun.

                • reply
                  October 28, 2013 4:33 PM


                • reply
                  October 28, 2013 5:54 PM

                  Both of those games are shallow as hell though.
                  I guess it depends what you're looking for in an arpg. The fun can only last so long -- it's not exactly exciting in Diablo 2 to kill Bishibosh for the 10 millionth time. If the skill system and gear don't hold my interest, it's a weak game.

            • reply
              October 28, 2013 3:21 PM

              Marvel Heroes does a pretty good job scratching my Diablo-like itch. It's free-to-play, and legitimately fun with minimal investiture of money.

              • reply
                October 28, 2013 3:22 PM

                They really do need to hurry up with the next campaign.

      • reply
        October 28, 2013 3:34 PM


        Play at your native resolution with all of the GLIDE bells and whistles. Looks like http://www.twitch.tv/sapienstv/b/474375971

    • reply
      October 28, 2013 1:37 PM


    • reply
      October 28, 2013 2:03 PM

      they delayed the game for a year to betatest PVP..................

    • reply
      October 28, 2013 2:16 PM

      Still sounds like they are trying to balance PVP. It's impossible and a waste of resources. Just get the ladder in and let players police PVP.

    • reply
      October 28, 2013 2:20 PM

      Diablo 3 Lead Designer: PvP will be released before the end of 2012.


    • reply
      October 28, 2013 2:23 PM

      oh for fucks sake. is this why the loot 2.0 patch for PC is so delayed? no one cares about PvP. it will suck.

      please refocus on PvE and loot and crafting and boss killing, Blizzard. Put the fucking PvP on the WAY WAY WAY WAY back burner if anything. Shit.

      • reply
        October 28, 2013 2:28 PM

        I guess it is...

      • reply
        October 28, 2013 2:43 PM

        Did you actually read the Ausgamers article? This entire Shacknews article and headline are shitty, misleading clickbait. The actual response to the question makes it seem like they are probably never going to put PvP into Diablo 3, to the point where he said they'd be better off making an entirely new game than trying to put it into D3.

      • reply
        October 28, 2013 2:46 PM


        • reply
          October 28, 2013 3:05 PM

          There's no real reason for it to be as the itemization changes will affect all players, even those without the expansion. I'm fine if they are taking the time to get it right, but to me it seems more like they're holding it back so they get more widespread promotion and more people to come back and play and pay for the expansion. Rather than just a bunch returning logins to checkout the changes, be unimpressed, and quit D3 again for good. Meh.

          • reply
            October 28, 2013 3:27 PM

            It's also linked to killing the AH, which doesn't happen until next year.

            • reply
              October 28, 2013 3:52 PM

              but isn't that done on consoles, in base D3 right now? I'm confused as to the roadmap for PC.

              • reply
                October 28, 2013 5:15 PM

                Console never had the AH. I don't know why the time frame of closing the AH on PC is so long, guess it's about giving players fair warning in advance as it is a pretty big change.

        • reply
          October 28, 2013 3:27 PM

          If Blizzard wanted to be cool, and give people something to do while they waited for the expansion, they would kill the AH and release a loot update sooner, rather than later; even if they the loot update was tweaked again with the expansion. Of course, that doesn't sell console versions of Diablo 3.

      • reply
        October 28, 2013 3:15 PM

        They're making Diablo 3 MOBA

    • reply
      October 28, 2013 3:03 PM

      I can't see why anyone would be all that desirous for PvP. I suppose uber-competitve types, perhaps. What would the benefit of winning in PvP even be?

      I think this is something that they can safely put on the back-burner or never even release - granted that's just from my own perspective, of course. But I imagine I'm not alone in that thought, either.

      • reply
        October 28, 2013 3:07 PM

        Based on what I've seen, the people who most want PvP are the people who want to be able to go around ganking lower-level characters.

      • reply
        October 28, 2013 3:18 PM

        Becoming really powerful in D3 (and most loot-driven action RPGs, for that matter) often means breaking the system. Circumventing long cooldowns, generating near-infinite resources, piecing together armor sets with feedback-loop bonuses -- that's what being Uber means in a game of this type.

        It really doesn't seem like it would mesh well with a PVP environment at all.

        • reply
          October 28, 2013 4:48 PM

          Well, Blizzard is trying their best to stop all of that in the expansion as well.

          • reply
            October 28, 2013 5:14 PM

            To an extent, but I'm sure there's going to be some insane combinations with the new legendaries' abilities. PVP requires a playing field that's at least vaguely even, and player power progression works against that at a base level.

      • reply
        October 28, 2013 5:08 PM

        I just chalk it up to another thing Blizzard just doesn't understand when it comes to the Diablo series. At the end of the day they tried to apply WoW to Diablo and while what was released was an extremely fun game, Diablo it was not.

        For the most part it appears they are realizing the error of their ways with the monster power patch, and eventual removal of the AH and the upcoming loot patch.

        As for PVP, it's pretty simple. Put the damn ladders in the game. Balance is not necessary. The players will sort it out. Balance ≠ Fun.

    • reply
      October 28, 2013 3:18 PM


      • reply
        October 28, 2013 3:19 PM

        I guess if they do pvp right it could bring new players in

    • reply
      October 28, 2013 3:25 PM

      D3 has PVP?

    • reply
      October 29, 2013 11:48 AM

      Diablo 3: not awesome.

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