Baldur's Gate 2: Enhanced Edition coming in November

Baldur's Gate 2: Enhanced Edition has been slated for November 15 on PC. It will come to iOS and Android sometime later.


Like the original, Baldur's Gate 2 is getting an "Enhanced Edition." Beamdog has been hard at work, having produced scads of new dialogue in May, and has now announced that it will hit PC on November 15. It will cost $25, and iOS and Android versions will follow sometime later.

According to the official site (via Kotaku), the revision will include four new party members: a warrior, a wild mage, a monk, and a thief. It will also include 30 new locations, along with the Throne of Bhaal expansion pack. Finally, Beamdog promises that it made it easier to join up in multiplayer games.

The Enhanced version of the first game was pulled due to legal woes. Though that was later resolved, Beamdog president Trent Oster at the time said they felt demoralized by it, and weren't sure if they would produce Baldur's Gate 3 as planned.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    August 30, 2013 1:30 PM

    Steve Watts posted a new article, Baldur's Gate 2: Enhanced Edition coming in November.

    Baldur's Gate 2: Enhanced Edition has been slated for November 15 on PC. It will come to iOS and Android sometime later.

    • reply
      August 30, 2013 1:42 PM

      did the First BG : EE get all fixed up ?

      • reply
        August 30, 2013 2:10 PM

        Worked fine this summer.

    • reply
      August 30, 2013 2:08 PM


    • reply
      August 30, 2013 2:43 PM

      Will the Steam version be gimped again compared to the Beamdog version?

      • reply
        August 30, 2013 4:50 PM

        So far I've been seriously disappointed in the Steam version. I just installed the damned thing and when I start to run it, the resolution is entirely screwed.

        How screwed, you say? So screwed that I can't even navigate the initial menu. I'd wager that only a quarter of the menu is even displayed on the screen.

        Pretty thankful that I own BG2 and I can just put on the WeiDU and Unfinished Business.

    • reply
      August 30, 2013 6:28 PM

      Finally settled the legal issues with Noober. Congrats to them.

    • reply
      August 30, 2013 6:28 PM

      Finally settled their legal issues with Noober. Congrats to them.

    • reply
      August 31, 2013 2:33 PM

      While I appreciate this effort to bring back the classic, this project so far has been mismanaged to hell and back.

      As it stands, I have both my GoG copy and the BG:EE. My choice goes to my GoG copy.

      • reply
        August 31, 2013 2:53 PM

        Plus it is less than half the price when you go the GOG route, and you're only a couple mods away from the "HD" experience.

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          August 31, 2013 8:27 PM

          I'd take the no-mods-required approach. Can't think of a single reason why the GoG would come out on top for someone, since it's a lesser product. My only complaint with the EE is bugs, which should be hopefully mostly resolved in the next patch - and it's gonna come with an updated UI, which is probably the thing that BG can benefit from the most.

          • reply
            August 31, 2013 9:19 PM

            I am keeping my fingers crossed for some improvements down the line. Which is why I am keeping the EE copy warm. In its current form though I just don't see the point.

          • reply
            September 1, 2013 5:13 PM

            I don't understand why people are down on the EE version. I have the non-Steam version and it's excellent. I also have the GoG version from when it came out, but without mods it's pretty buggy and just sucks playing with the original BG1 interface. I've tried a couple of the mods which patch stuff up and combine the two games. It works kind of OK until it breaks somewhere, or you find out you chose the wrong option in one of the 100 steps and NPC's are speaking German to you or giving you quests that didn't exist in the original game. There is something to be said for an officially released and patched and supported version of the game. Playing BG1 with the BG2 interface with additional well-done content, with bug fixes and ongoing support for patches etc... it's a really nice thing to have. You just buy it, install it and it works. And it has a patcher which updates the game to the latest version. I have zero complaints with it so far (haven't finished the game yet).

            • reply
              September 1, 2013 7:03 PM

              TuTu. Apply to Baldur's Gate 1, and bam. BGII interface. And I still didn't waste an extra ten dollars.

              • reply
                September 2, 2013 7:24 AM

                Ok, maybe that one is new? Last time I tried was several years ago. Regardless, you still have extra content (extra characters with fully voices and well-written dialog), bug fixes, and ongoing support and improvements including a completely overhauled multiplayer engine.

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