Microsoft planning discontinuation of Games for Windows Live service
On top of shutting down the Marketplace for its Games for Windows platform, it appears Microsoft plans on discontinuing the Live service entirely.
On top of shutting down the Marketplace for its Games for Windows platform, it appears Microsoft plans on discontinuing the Live service entirely. Although Microsoft promised the "service will continue to operate as usual," a since deleted Xbox support update mentions a specific shutdown date for the service.
The Age of Empires Online support page noted that "Games for Windows Live will be discontinued on July 1, 2014." After that date, the server will shut down, rendering the game unplayable.
IGN took a screencap of the notice before Microsoft removed it from its website. While it seems likely this was an early look into Microsoft's plans, the company has been known to reverse course on a number of decisions. For now, it appears GFWL is going the way of the dodo--the only question is when.
Andrew Yoon posted a new article, Microsoft planning discontinuation of Games for Windows Live service.
On top of shutting down the Marketplace for its Games for Windows platform, it appears Microsoft plans on discontinuing the Live service entirely.-
Ultra Street Fighter IV PC is going to be Steam-only. I don't know what WBIE is going to do for Arkham City or Arkham Asylum. I imagine that 2K is still too stoked about GTA5 to care about GTA4.
It's a sad position, considering how many GFWL games were released years ago, from developers who can't bother to spend development time to get them off of GFWL (games like Bioshock 2, Bulletstorm, Fallout 3's DLC section, Dead Rising 2). Most of those developers will probably just let the games die off, since they have to worry about getting paid, and therefore focus only on current titles. -
A comment was made and deleted on the matter;
They might end up in licensing purgatory unless Sega is able to calm down Games Workshop and work something out. Dawn of War II is already on Steam, though:
Wait... sorry; correct that: DoWII: Retribution uses Steam exclusively:
DoWII had some dumb hybrid of Steam and GFWL.
It's this kind of news/rumors that worries me about online all the time, which let's face it is coming eventually, maybe not with this new gen, but surely with the next one. When you buy a game and can't play it anymore because the severs are no longer operational that's a serious issue with the industry, when are gamers going to stand up and say enough is enough? And why does most of the gaming media think this is a good idea?
Microsoft Studios already took care of this: they don't release PC games anymore. Halo: Spartan Assault is a Windows 8 RT / Windows Phone 8 app.
As for the games from third-party developers that Microsoft Studios publishes over GFWL, yeah, they have some 'splainin to do. But the answer is most likely going to be "tough shit; we'll let the developers do what they want, on their own dime." -
haha people were talking about this last week -
Great, but does this mean GFWL games will now be unplayable? I sure hope it doesn't become the responsibility of the developers to release updates to make the games playable without GFWL, because I'm sure some of them won't bother :(
Best case scenario, all games will work without any issues but won't have MP support unless the developers decide to switch to steamworks or something.-
But I thought most of GFWL was online check DRM, and GFWL's game saves are locked into profiles that are only accessible when online (...which won't be possible after they shut down the GFWL authentication servers).
This isn't even official yet, but only giving publishers a year before they have to announce whether a bunch of games released from 2007-2011 will even be playable? And for some developers that aren't even around anymore, or haven't worked on the game in years? I imagine we'll hear some (unofficial) pushback.
Maybe Microsoft might be planning to start from scratch and create their own Steam-like client...? Remember recently the Steam director, Jason Holtman, moved to Microsoft to apparently "make Windows a great platform for gaming." (source: They must be planning something...maybe his plan to simply support steam? lol
First they tried to charge for this shit like XLive (fuck you that shit doesn't fly on PC) then it goes FREE(still, fuck you) and now it's going away finally. I'm just concerned about the GFWL games I currently have and still like to play. So glad this nightmare is coming to an end. Microsoft if so out of touch with PC gaming its really embarrassing considering they make the OS of choice for the platform.