Shadow of the Eternals crowdfunding relaunched

Precursor Games has relaunched its crowdfunding campaign for Shadow of the Eternals, a "spiritual successor" to GameCube survival horror Eternal Darkness made by some of the folks behind the original at Silicon Knights. Which proved to be a bit of a problem, as many don't have much confidence in them anymore. Still, it's trying again, this time with a less ambitious goal of $750,000.


Precursor Games has relaunched its crowdfunding campaign for Shadow of the Eternals, a "spiritual successor" to GameCube survival horror Eternal Darkness made by some of the folks behind the original at Silicon Knights. Which proved to be a bit of a problem, as many don't have much confidence in them anymore. Still, it's trying again, this time with a less ambitious goal of $750,000.

Precursor cancelled its first crowdfunding drive in June, as it was falling far short of a lofty $1.5 million goal. While many crowdfunding revivals have been helped by connections to the original creators, here it was a hindrance.

Silicon Knights last two games Too Human and X-Men: Destiny were not received well, and the studio was ultimately ruined by a failed lawsuit against Unreal Engine maker Epic Games. Having Silicon Knights' not-wholly-popular CEO Denis Dyack onboard as chief creative officer, well, was something of a discouragement.

Anyway, Precursor is back with a new Kickstarter campaign, looking for $750k to make Shadow of the Eternals for PC and Wii U. A PlayStation 4 version is a stretch goal too. Like Eternal Darkness, it'll be a spooky action game which jumps between characters across time, wrestling with ancient evils. Pledging $25 gets you a copy of the finished game, or only $20 if you're quick to get in on a limited reward tier.

Here's a work-in-progress gameplay demo:

From The Chatty
  • reply
    July 26, 2013 6:00 AM

    Alice O'Connor posted a new article, Shadow of the Eternals crowdfunding relaunched.

    Precursor Games has relaunched its crowdfunding campaign for Shadow of the Eternals, a "spiritual successor" to GameCube survival horror Eternal Darkness made by some of the folks behind the original at Silicon Knights. Which proved to be a bit of a problem, as many don't have much confidence in them anymore. Still, it's trying again, this time with a less ambitious goal of $750,000.

    • reply
      July 26, 2013 6:20 AM

      Gaaah. I loved Eternal Darkness and I want this game. I just don't trust their crowdsourcing plans.

      • reply
        July 26, 2013 7:20 AM

        I am in a similar boat. I am curious to know if the original holds up. I haven't played it since it came out. I beat it, loved it, but haven't touched it since.

        • reply
          August 6, 2013 10:23 PM

          It does hold up. Replays get you different monster types, etc. You have to play through with all three Ancients to get the "true ending."

    • reply
      July 26, 2013 8:03 AM

      Is Denis Dyack still involved with Precursor?

      • reply
        August 6, 2013 10:23 PM

        He is leading ina creative capacity.

    • reply
      August 6, 2013 10:25 PM

      Check this project out again guys, the updates are looking pretty good (boxed Collector's Edition) but they are struggling for covergae, etc. Thanks - a backer

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