Interest in PS4 rises after Xbox One reveal

Interest in PS4 has increased after last week's reveal of Microsoft's Xbox One.


Interest in PS4 has increased after last week's reveal of Microsoft's Xbox One. We surveyed GameFly fans on April 24th, when Microsoft first announced its next-gen plans. We surveyed those same fans following the Xbox One reveal to gauge any change in interest.

Last month, 47.7% of respondents said they were "most excited" about PS4, while 37.7% pledged allegiance to the "New Xbox." Those results were unsurprising, given that PS4 was already announced at that point.

However, following the Xbox One reveal, interest in Xbox One dropped by nine percentage points, to 28.5%. Interest in PS4, however, rose by six points, to 53.8%. The percentage interested in "neither" also rose by 3 points, to 17.7%.

The poor showing for Xbox One could be related to Microsoft's confusing position on used games. Karl F Backenstross Jr notes that he will be interested in "whatever plays used games without a fee." Do note that given GameFly's rental model, results may be skewed.

Even with many uncertainties surrounding Microsoft's support of used games, there are still many loyal to the Xbox brand, with Nick Schueren pointing out that the new Xbox has a Blu-ray player, and therefore has "no reason to get a new PlayStation."

We'll conduct this survey again following E3, when more details on both next-gen consoles are to be unveiled.

Andrew Yoon was previously a games journalist creating content at Shacknews.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    May 29, 2013 12:00 PM

    Andrew Yoon posted a new article, Interest in PS4 rises after Xbox One reveal.

    Interest in PS4 has increased after last week's reveal of Microsoft's Xbox One.

    • reply
      May 29, 2013 12:06 PM


      • reply
        May 29, 2013 12:23 PM

        I think that's the way it's gonna go too. Sony has a bunch of good things going for their platform, but they haven't said anything in a number of points where the xbone is getting flamed on for. My guess is that they're waiting for MS to get all the flak and the dust to settle before they come out and announce that, hey, they're doing exactly the same thing in regards to used sales or whatever.

        • reply
          May 29, 2013 1:07 PM

          I agree a lot of the DRM & Used games issues will probably apply to both. But most of the fall out is coming from how MS has completely bundled their PR and appear to have been taken by surprise on a lot of the questioning. What else could explain how underprepared their talking heads were for these questions?

          If they'd came out and gave concrete definitive answers, explained the reasons, and also maybe some of the benefits for the consumer that this will bring, there would be a lot of grumbling but nothing close to this rampage going on right now.

          Sony has been smart in letting all this shit get talked to death before they disappoint everyone too.

          That said, i think Ryan from GB was right on todays podcast. All of this shit will be forgotten in a second if the xbox is a bunch cheaper than the ps4.

    • reply
      May 29, 2013 12:07 PM

      Matthew Blindauer really has his finger on the pulse of the modern gamer. Either that or in their butts, but whatever that kid is a delight!

    • reply
      May 29, 2013 12:11 PM

      Interest in next gen consoles increases after all next gen consoles are revealed. Stay tuned for our in depth report.

    • reply
      May 29, 2013 12:30 PM

      MS's game exchange service for used games retailers will be incompatible with game fly's rental model ending their business and this website.

    • reply
      May 29, 2013 12:30 PM

      How many people were surveyed?

    • reply
      May 29, 2013 12:46 PM

      i'm more interested in Ps4 than the xbox simply because i don't want to have a kinect device forced on me. i know it's the future or whatever, but i guess i'm just not interested (nor is my small ass apartment.)

      either way though, i'd still rather have a steam box connected to my TV.

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 12:52 PM

        Buy a $500 PC, install Steam and hook it up to your TV?

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 1:06 PM

        The PS4 comes with the new EyeToy... you know that right?

        • reply
          May 29, 2013 1:09 PM

          Not true, Sony said they were still considering whether it would be included in the box or be a peripheral. That was the last they said on the matter.

        • reply
          May 30, 2013 9:21 AM

          actually i don't think i had read that... but man, what a dream crusher. :)

    • reply
      May 29, 2013 12:46 PM

      Not surprised. The day of the announcement, I saw a thread at neogaf on which next gen console are people most interested -- the first page was pretty much all PS4. MS couldn't have fucked up the launch any worst if they had tried.

      Basically tv, tv, and more tv. It's like they just assume they have the hardcore gamers locked up.

    • reply
      May 29, 2013 12:53 PM

      Source: GameFly fans

      So, they asked a bunch of people who use their game rental service which console they liked and the answer was the one that, at this time, sounds more friendly to game rental service users?

      The sample in question is suspect.

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 12:59 PM


        • reply
          May 29, 2013 1:02 PM

          I think it would be equally suspect due to the fact that we're almost all hardcore gamers here who have very non-mainstream needs for gaming hardware. And most of us are whiny bitches to boot.

          A good sample might be everyone who reads USA Today and has ever bought a game console.

        • reply
          May 29, 2013 1:16 PM

          Or how about the fact that the majority of users here seem to be 360 owners.

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 1:11 PM

        So a gaming publication polling gamers about gaming systems is suspect due to the demographic they polled?


      • reply
        May 29, 2013 1:12 PM


        • reply
          May 29, 2013 1:19 PM

          Fair enough, but you have to at least consider how GameFly has an interest in either making sure the console with used games does better, or trying to show Microsoft that people don't like this lack of information they currently have.

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 1:28 PM

        GameFly needs to start subsidizing Wii-U's through some kind of subscription offer. lol

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 1:37 PM

        look at the samplesize of gamespot, which is dudebro consoletard central, it has this: look at the us/uk which is the only place where the 360 outsold the ps3.

    • reply
      May 29, 2013 1:44 PM

      "Mathew Blindauer also points out that "PS4=GAY!!!!" while "Xbox One=AWESOME!!!!"

      What the fuck? hahahaha

    • reply
      May 29, 2013 1:52 PM

      At the moment, PS4 looks much more appealing than Xbox One.

    • reply
      May 29, 2013 4:22 PM

      I'd be curious to see where "both" ranks. Pretty low I'd imagine, but curious nonetheless.

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 6:09 PM

        It seems only fair since they have "neither"

    • reply
      May 29, 2013 5:55 PM

      will never buy a sony product again after getting burned for 700 for a bluray player. its not even a compotent game machine. microsoft offers better online services, interface, experience, community and better running games. exclusives i care about like halo, call of duty, gears of war, forza, fable, phantasy star are all on xbox. all the third party games are there too. will not miss anything on ps. have not enjoyed god of war since part one and uncharted is not good. infamous is nothing compared to crackdown. forza has surpassed GT; nothing in ps library compels me. will not miss a thing. xbox one 1st day buy.

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 5:58 PM

        Ahh, there we go.

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 6:07 PM

        hahah you're serious

        • reply
          May 29, 2013 6:24 PM

          Read the rest of his post history.

          • reply
            May 29, 2013 7:47 PM

            It's amazing. We really have needed another one of these guys around since RuskiSniper, or however he spelled it, got banned.

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 6:27 PM


      • reply
        May 29, 2013 6:33 PM

        I love this shill account.

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 6:38 PM

        How old are you buddy?

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 6:38 PM


      • reply
        May 29, 2013 6:39 PM

        Demons Souls /drops mic

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 6:50 PM

        "exclusives I care about"
        "Call of duty"


        • reply
          May 29, 2013 8:17 PM

          Probably referring to the DLC, which is exclusive for a month on Xbox.

          Still, lol.

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 7:05 PM

        you heard it here. Uncharted is not good.

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 7:11 PM

        This guy is a shill. Seriously, check the post history.

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 7:12 PM

        The PS3 XMB is so much better than the current iteration of the Xbox dash.

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 7:14 PM

        obvious troll is obvious.

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 7:15 PM

        the funniest thing is that this is the guy who got his comment read on weekend confirmed last week regarding the xbox one

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 7:16 PM

        shill more plz

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 7:24 PM


        • reply
          May 29, 2013 8:53 PM

          Awww finalspartan you got TOLD, bro!!! U gonna take that???

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 7:24 PM


      • reply
        May 29, 2013 7:51 PM


      • reply
        May 29, 2013 7:54 PM

        I refuse to believe that you shelled out $700 for a launch era PS3.

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 8:06 PM

        But but but but Call of Duty!

        Call of Duty bros! It playz bettar on the 360! Like totally!!!

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 8:13 PM

        Mods, PLEASE DO NOT BAN THIS GUY. I'm sick of the crazy people being banned :( Rujisknaper or whatever was hilarious and this moron is too. Please keep the crazy people around, they keep this place interesting.

        • reply
          May 29, 2013 8:21 PM

          You can buy his amnesty with your voluntary permaban

          • reply
            May 29, 2013 8:25 PM

            Now now Zakk, I didn't think any mods had a hardon for me anymore!!!

            • reply
              May 29, 2013 8:27 PM

              I'm just stating policy sir

              • reply
                May 29, 2013 8:34 PM

                I don't like that guy that much - but you have to admit, those guys are hilarious Zakk.

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 8:39 PM

        This guy is Microsoft's target audience:

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 8:41 PM

        ^^if this comment were reversed and about how amazing the PS4 was going to be everyone would be INFing it and agreeing

        not that it's not blatant fanboyism. of course it is.

        • reply
          May 29, 2013 8:48 PM

          Get the mother fucking fuck out of here man, just what, what? Seriously? We've had a reign of god damned 5 years of complete and utter pro 360 shit on this site for a long long time. Sony is shit, PS3 is shit, fuck the PS-Grill, etc etc

          This is an American site, where the 360 clearly dominated.
          The Xbox / Microsoft brand picked up ex PC developers, like Epic, the general consensus on the internet seemed to be that a lot of PC gamers first console was actually an Xbox and I would still argue the Xbox and PC are the most closely related products. (My point here? Shacknews was a PC gaming centric site I personally believe a LOT of Xbox 360 and Xbox 1 gamers are PC gamers - ie: Shackers)
          At one point we probably had less than 3 or 4 people who would even try to defend the PS3 for the first couple of years after it launched.

          Sony fucking slowly rebuilt the respect of gamers by not fucking their dashboard with ads, not making the online paid product (PSN+) a worse and worse proposition (unlike XBL) - they didn't nickel and dime people.

          Your post is so mind bogglingly wrong, if anything it's a MIRACLE the shack like the PS4 and it's testament to just how mediocre the Xbox One announcement was and how good the PS4 one was, precisely because, sentiment has fucking flipped on this website in the span of 6 months.

          Fucking, madness.

          • reply
            May 29, 2013 8:54 PM

            will never buy an ms product again after getting burned for a red ring forza player. its not even a compotent game machine. sony offers free online services, better interface, experience, community and better running games. exclusives i care about like god of war, uncharted, resistance, gt5, heavy rain, mgs are all on ps3. all the third party games are there too. will not miss anything on xbox. have not enjoyed halo since part one and gears of war is not good. crackdown is nothing compared to infamous. forza will never surpass GT; nothing in xbox library compels me. will not miss a thing. PS4 one 1st day buy.

            you think that would have been met with the same reaction? these days? fuck no everyone is eager to retroactively piss all over the xbox. that post would have had crazy back-slapping and you probably would have INFed it.

            in fact "will not miss anything" was one of YOUR own criticisms against the 360. like there is not a single, not ONE game, you might ever enjoy playing, exclusively, on the console.

            • reply
              May 29, 2013 9:01 PM

              I think Microsoft have pissed away their good name in the past 18 months because of no exclusive games which are good (my opinion) and the ongoing nickel and diming - from XBL using "points", to XBL Gold required for far too much stuff.

              Microsoft antagonized people with shitty dashboards and commercials, they've antagonized them with a bad attitude in the past few weeks. They've been quick to try new and interesting features but just as quick to monetize the features too. I think Microsoft put themselves in this situation

              Regardless, I was basically mocked, insulted or called an idiot for years for saying "I dunno guys, I kind of think my PS3 is pretty awesome" - it's only the last 12 months people have seemed to listen.

              • reply
                May 29, 2013 9:03 PM

                plenty of us have had a PS3 for years. it's a great system. i don't see how that precludes the xbox from also being worthwhile.

                • reply
                  May 29, 2013 11:01 PM

                  It doesn't at all, don't get me wrong! Xbox is fine if you like Xbox games, I feel the cross pollenation of games from Xbox to PC and Xbox to PS3, but NOT PS3 to PC, means that overall - a PC and PS3 is the best combination if you can only afford the money (or time) for a single console.

                  I couldn't imagine just a 360 and PC, you'd be missing too many good exclusives.

            • reply
              May 29, 2013 9:26 PM

              Yes I think that would have met with the same reaction because it's equally retarded.

              • reply
                May 29, 2013 10:45 PM

                probably not from a legit shacker, but if some guy who ONLY posts neg x-box stuff, then yeah, would be equally derided.

          • reply
            May 29, 2013 8:56 PM


            • reply
              May 29, 2013 8:58 PM

              The overall sentiment, considering the RROD fiasco, was still blindly positive by the majority for a long long time. I felt like I was 'batting for the underdog' singing the praises of my PS3 for the last 5 years.

              • reply
                May 29, 2013 9:01 PM

                Not really the last 5 years. The first two years it was out yet, but in the last 5 years no considering the amount of love for demons souls, uncharted 2 and 3, Infamous (even though I thought the game sucked), heavy rain, GoW 3 and Ascension (also shit as far as a GoW game goes), the pixel junk games, GT 5, MGS4 and other games.

                • reply
                  May 29, 2013 9:02 PM

                  I'd say when Uncharted 2 shipped people were starting to at least consider the PS3 "isn't a piece of shit" but the 360 was universally "the only choice, what are you crazy" by a huge amount of people on this site up until no more than 18 months ago.

                  • reply
                    May 29, 2013 9:06 PM

                    I'd personally say it's more than 18 months but that is just me. Personally I don't see the point in only having one system.

                    For me I may only use the PS3 for exclusives and it gets used for games every 3-6 months but I've still bought 2 of the fucking things when my 1st one had the drive die and I feel it has been worth having even though I don't love it as much as you do.

                    • reply
                      May 29, 2013 9:07 PM

                      i've had a PS3 for 3.5 years. my library is about 25% that of my 360 selection but it's still worthwhile. i use it for platform exclusives only. lots of great PSN downloadable titles and full release exclusives.

                      i still would feel like i greatly missed out not also having an xbox (and PC, for that matter).

                      • reply
                        May 29, 2013 9:09 PM

                        I'm going on almost 5 years since I bought my first one according to my post history, and I would feel I missed so much without having all the consoles and pc.

                    • reply
                      May 29, 2013 10:59 PM

                      I'm a one system person now - mentioned it a few times recently, the 360 didn't do it for me, the Wii is not for my demographic (at all) - nope, a single system has been better for TV inputs, cost, time for reading / researching / talking / watching new games - I've got one option, PC or PS3 and honestly, I think a huge variety of great games are covered with this combination.

          • reply
            May 29, 2013 8:57 PM


            • reply
              May 29, 2013 9:02 PM

              Never, they are the new Sega in 24 months.

          • reply
            May 30, 2013 1:32 AM

            ED has consistently been swaggering into any console discussion lately attempting to point out how brainwashed anyone is for having a preference for anything sony related.

            His favorite tactic is making dumb exaggerated claims about what a person just said in order to totally derail the discussion.

            • reply
              May 30, 2013 3:16 AM

              I've found him to be pretty pro-MS over the years (as is many people here, or at least were) but at least ED didn't bite when I called him out fairly harshly. I'm a bad example here because I'm a bit of a Sony fan.

              MIND YOU, I got my PS3 and 360 within a week, expecting to kind of not really care for the PS3 (it was cheap) - instead, I fucking loved the thing.

        • reply
          May 29, 2013 9:52 PM

          No they wouldn't. There are plenty of MS shills on here and yet his post was universally derided. It would be the same if it were reversed. No one wants to associate with that crap.

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 9:16 PM


      • reply
        May 29, 2013 9:24 PM

        Wow didn't know I was going to start a fire storm. Interesting to see all the Sony fanboys talk crap. I guess when ur in last place u have to demean everyone to get some self confidence back. Ill enjoy my 1st place Xbox one day one with call of duty ghosts while I frag u noobs. Mic drops now.

        • reply
          May 29, 2013 9:27 PM


        • reply
          May 29, 2013 9:57 PM

          Congrats on getting a shout out on Weekend Confirmed!

        • reply
          May 29, 2013 9:59 PM

          Sony fanboys? This is a PC gaming site. We laugh at all poors that play consoles.

        • reply
          May 29, 2013 10:19 PM

          more like people who determine what they play based on it's own merits, not the platform it happens to come out for
          people who aren't kids and don't have some sort of silly allegiance to a corporation or a product they make

        • reply
          May 29, 2013 10:21 PM

          DONT JUGE ME! PS34LYFE!!! $BOXM$ totally ripping people off Pay2LOSERS!!!

        • reply
          May 29, 2013 10:33 PM

          mic drops now.


        • reply
          May 29, 2013 10:42 PM

          Are you 100% certain that XboxOne will be 1st place?

          What does that even mean and how does it enrich your well being?

          If if cooks me dinner, makes my bed, drives me to work and wipes my ass after a nasty burrito attack, then maybe it might enrich my life. For now, it's all speculation fanboyism and in your head.

        • reply
          May 29, 2013 11:04 PM

          Its pretty much set in stone that the PS4 is the more powerful/easier to dev for system this time around.

          If so...

          CoD will look/run better on PS4 if anything. What little "timed" exclusivety MS gets is not even a talking point imo, i could care less. Same thing goes for NFL...

          Im also more into the Sony exclusives. Fable/Halo meh..

          Just give me the "gaming" device with the best performance/visuals and games. which imo will be PS4.

          I want a gaming console to play games (seems obvious right?) not to watch fucking tv.

          /end faboy rant thing

          • reply
            May 29, 2013 11:11 PM

            The versitility of the Xbone (the tv shit) is interesting but its not like the PS4 doesnt/wont have its own features.

            Regardless.. its not what I, as a gamer, look for when purchasing a GAMING system.

            Sony seems to be more focused on the gamer this time around with its feature set.

            Buy a XBone if your into TV a PS4 if your into Games, i say.

        • reply
          May 29, 2013 11:45 PM


        • reply
          May 29, 2013 11:53 PM

          I rather enjoy your posts. Keep on dropping in.

        • reply
          May 30, 2013 12:52 AM

          Nooo, pick it up, pick up the mic!!! This is some of the best shit.

        • reply
          May 30, 2013 1:32 AM

          I can't believe you're a real person. What's worse is that you're the target audience of the AAA shooter titles. You're basically the reason we're shoveled endless sequels of unimaginative shit.

        • reply
          May 30, 2013 4:53 AM

          What a perfect specimen for Xbone.

        • reply
          May 30, 2013 5:01 AM

          ONE DAY ONE

        • reply
          May 30, 2013 6:13 AM


          • reply
            May 30, 2013 6:45 AM

            C'mon David! Do you really think the guy in the $5000 truck is going to play Uncharted? CMON!

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 10:38 PM

        You again.

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 11:38 PM


      • reply
        May 29, 2013 11:53 PM

        Come on folks, this guy isn't even trying hard and people froth at the mouth every time he posts.

        • reply
          May 30, 2013 12:42 AM

          Most people here are fully aware of the act and merely have fun with it. There are just a few who still get riled up.

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 11:54 PM

        Oh, you again.

      • reply
        May 30, 2013 3:55 AM

        Halo, Gears of War, CoD....WTF???

    • reply
      May 29, 2013 6:45 PM

      Don't count out the Xbox One yet, I suspect this might be a big surprise like the Wii. It'll be "good enough" for games but may excel at being a browser / youtube / facebook / netflix / blu ray / tv / all in one device.

      The beginning of the all in one unit for the lounge, the "internet" device"

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 7:13 PM

        No one should count it out, I would say about 80% of the people bitching will buy it.

        • reply
          May 29, 2013 7:23 PM

          if it has the games i want to play sure.

        • reply
          May 29, 2013 8:20 PM

          I'm counting it out, one console gaming for life baby!

          • reply
            May 29, 2013 8:57 PM

            I have been a "Nintendo console + one other" for a long time now. Except I'm stupid and I end up getting the third a few years later when they are cheaper haha

            This time it will by my WiiU + PS4 unless MS blows me away with some crazy gaming focus with games that look interesting. I'm not interested in CoD, Halo or Gears anymore really.

            • reply
              May 29, 2013 9:08 PM

              I saw someone say that Quantum Break is also a TV show. If they do more of that... Yeah, I'd be interested.

            • reply
              May 29, 2013 10:57 PM

              One PC, one console - it's not about money, it's about time management and convienience. If I discount 2 other consoles, I don't NEED to worry if X or Y game is good only Z games, period. It's restrictive but if one platform really hits all the relevant buttons, then sweet.

              • reply
                May 29, 2013 11:12 PM

                Which brings up the point of xbox/pc release overlap making it very easy to skip buying an xbox if you have a pc. I'm curious how often that will start happening with Sony now that they're going x86.

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 9:14 PM

        I'm pretty sure the Wii wouldn't have been anything if it wasn't for Wii sports and the sub $200 pricetag. If MS can match (And not just try and recreate) Wii Sports in terms of mass-market appeal and not price it outside the range of reason for non-gamers, then they may manage to capture the market.

        ... I kinda hope they don't though. Microsoft have been becoming increasingly anti-consumer over the past few years.

        • reply
          May 29, 2013 11:34 PM

          It was $250. More expensive than the GameCube and IIRC only 50 bucks less than the Xbox 360 (Core).

      • reply
        May 30, 2013 1:37 AM

        As Ryan Davies pointed out on yesterday's GB podcast, the situation right now is eerily similar to the beginning of last gen. Sony's demos were more impressive, their hardware was more powerful, they had all the support from the big names. Ms' looked good but their presentation style just fucking sucked (ALLARD).

        Then as soon as the prices were announced that completely changed.

        If we get an xbox one that is subsidised to around 2-300 dollars all will be forgotten. Having said that, i don't know why Sony couldn't offer a similar plan.

        • reply
          May 30, 2013 3:09 AM

          Ryan Davis motherfucker, know peoples names please =)

        • reply
          May 30, 2013 3:45 AM

          Except that Ryan is wrong because this situation didn't exist last generation.

          The last generation started with MS already having a console by the time Nintendo and Sony were talking about theirs on any serious level.

          Sony went into the last gen riding on the success of the PS2, and they made some assumptions that were erroneous. They eventually made up for it though, and beat out MS in worldwide sales.

          MS, at least based on the two "reveals" done for these new consoles, feels to me more like Sony last time around. They're confident, and don't seem too concerned about things that I see as problematic, like answering questions they *KNOW* people have in a coherent way. If there isn't a standard MS position on something like used games yet, they need to not be answering those questions at all.

          This is the first generation in a while where you've got two relatively equally-placed consoles being talked about and launched in the same window.

    • reply
      May 29, 2013 10:20 PM

      I love my 360, but if I have to pay a fee to play used games on the XB1, I just don't want it. My problem with that is I feel like MS is basically telling me how to buy my games by complicating the process of playing a used one. So yes, before the reveal I was set on buying an XB1, but now I'm more curious about the PS4.

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 10:21 PM


        • reply
          May 29, 2013 10:24 PM

          Wii U is a go!

        • reply
          May 29, 2013 10:37 PM

          It might end up that way. I guess watch youtube videos of the game or make friends with someone who already owns the game. If you aren't into the used game market that is. I dunno. :(

        • reply
          May 29, 2013 11:40 PM

          I'll probably buy and play less games. I'm curious to know what kind of effect that will have on sequels. I probably wouldn't have played through some of these franchises if not for a cheap used game to get "caught up". For an industry that unleashes so many sequels, I wonder if this may be a good thing as far as originality goes. Could be a bad thing too.

        • reply
          May 30, 2013 1:12 AM


        • reply
          May 30, 2013 1:26 AM

          I don't care TOO much if games are cheaper, I just need region free, that = reasonable price games.

    • reply
      May 29, 2013 10:36 PM

      All this blah blah before E3 just seems so fucking stupid. Both consoles were announced, and that's about it. Yeah, they do some stuff, yeah they play games, and that's about all they want to admit. I'll be ready to be interested in one or the other or both as more is revealed. I got a 360 because I wanted Gears and Halo 3. I got a PS3 because I wanted God of War 3, Uncharted and ICO 3 (ugh, don't get me started). As a PC gamer and an HTPC owner, I want something with fun games. Neither has really shown me the way yet as far as that's concerned. It almost seems worse now than it was before the announcements with all the speculating and rumors. Bleh.

    • reply
      May 29, 2013 11:15 PM

      I wouldnt be surprised if a large majority will be either developed for or ported to PC anyway.

      so your pretty much buying one or the other for exclusives.

      (assuming you have a decent PC)

      • reply
        May 29, 2013 11:35 PM

        This is what I'm waiting to see. Just going by the x86 switch and Dark Souls pc sales, Sony devs might start porting more exclusives to PC meaning it might be feasible to skip both consoles since xbox ports already make it mostly avoidable.

    • reply
      May 29, 2013 11:30 PM

      I think the extent that the Xbox interfaces with television. I think this could eventually become a very interesting and also very very creepy feature. if the xbox forces television advertising to change based on what people sit through versus what they tune out of (or walk away from hello kinect camera!) and the fact that microsoft will have a very detailed and minute record of your television viewing habits including how you dvr content and what you watch live, etc all without your knowledge because you're enjoying the interface better than the slow, shitty cable box ui you had before because now your tv listens to you.

    • reply
      May 30, 2013 5:30 AM

      I am buying a couple of Xbox 360 for when my current one dies. I want my old, current games. Backward compatibility is a must.

Hello, Meet Lola