Burning Bridges: Abandoning PlayStation exclusivity
Many developers, once synonymous with the PlayStation brand, are moving on to other platforms--some abandoning Sony altogether.
While Sony has a strong collection of first-party teams to rely on, the PlayStation brand has always been synonymous with strong third-party support. Key studios pledged allegiance to Sony, but as the generations have gone on, that support has waned. During the transition from PS2 to PS3, third-party publishers moved away from console exclusivity, leaving Sony to rely on the support of second- and third-party developers to build up its exclusive portfolio. Unfortunately, not all of these relationships ended fruitfully. Many developers, once synonymous with the PlayStation brand, are moving on to other platforms--some abandoning Sony altogether. The transition to PS4 will make it even more difficult for Sony to find exclusive content to rely upon.

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Andrew Yoon posted a new article, Burning Bridges: Abandoning PlayStation exclusivity.
Many developers, once synonymous with the PlayStation brand, are moving on to other platforms--some abandoning Sony altogether.-
Less exclusives means I'm less inclined to buy the console.
I had actually ranked PS4 above Durango in my "order to buy consoles in," 'cause MS has really dropped the ball on exclusives, but as it stands, I'm probably not going to be getting any of the next-gen consoles for a long while.-
Don't forget to read my previous article about first-party development at Sony http://www.shacknews.com/article/77789/home-at-playstation-looking-at-sonys-first-party-studios-and There's still going to be tons of exclusives.
Interesting article. I feel that Sony's moves are in line with the rest of the industry's big publishers of investing more money in fewer titles, and replacing the middle-tier game with investment in small downloadable games.
I feel like Sony released significantly more exclusives on PSN over the last couple years, most as part of their pub fund initiative. They were significantly behind XBLA at the start of this generation but now I feel like they've moved quite ahead.
On the other side of the spectrum, they've also significantly expanded their flagship studios - Naughty Dog, Sony Santa Monica, Sucker Punch, Guerrilla Games - all have 2 or 3 teams working on multiple games now as opposed to just one. If they meet this approach of fewer retail titles with a higher marketing investment per title it could work very well for them.
What I don't get is why isn't Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) making AAA games on the PS3? Where is EverQuest on PS3? Why isn’t PlanetSide 2 on PS3?
With the huge success of WoW on PC, Sony would print money after bringing a true EverQuest sequel MMO exclusively to the PS3. I've played Planetside 2 some and this too would probably be really popular on PS3, even with the graphics dumbed down (Example: WoW).
We still haven't seen MMO's truly brought to a console even close to the size and scale of their PC counterparts. Sony already owns these properties with established PC games, why aren't they looking to release them to their PS3 console? And perhaps Vita too. If done right, I think they'd make a fortune doing this.