New Super Mario Bros U review: a must-have
Combining the best elements of Mario 3 with the best elements of Mario World, all while adding its own unique flavor, New Super Mario Bros U is easily a must-have for the Wii U early adopter.

The GamePad doesn't offer much besides Boost Mode
This New Super Mario Bros U review was based on a retail Wii U version of the game provided by the publisher. The game will be available on November 18th. Local multiplayer requires additional Wii Remotes (up to 4). Online functionality could not be tested, as Nintendo Network was unavailable before publishing.
Andrew Yoon posted a new article, New Super Mario Bros U review: a must-have.
Combining the best elements of Mario 3 with the best elements of Mario World, all while adding its own unique flavor, New Super Mario Bros U is easily a must-have for the Wii U early adopter.-
Man I want this game. I also don't mind that it doesn't utilize the GamePad as anything other than a controller with an extra perk or two. So many Wii and DS games felt gimmicky, and would have played better if developers hadn't felt obligated to make their games do everything the console and its peripherals could do.
New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Punch-Out!! (Wii) are perfect examples of how NOT to use gimmicky controls. I didn't care for the motion controls; they're nowhere near as precise as the Classic Controller. Nor do I like holding the Wiimote sideways; it's bulky and uncomfortable.
I would rather Nintendo continue to make solid games that either use gimmicky hardware correctly rather than abundantly, or better yet, stick to classic control schemes and focus on designing a fun game. -
This may be the first NSMB game I get. All of the previous ones were criticized for being too easy, which means I never bothered to play them. If the challenge levels are hard enough and numerous enough, I'll probably enjoy this one.
Still waiting for Rayman Legends before I even think about getting a Wii U though.