Guild Wars 2 diary: Dungeons of dragons
Ozzie's Sylvari Mesmer hits level 30 and explores the dungeon and world v. world aspects of Guild Wars 2

My group battles at the entrance to the Ascalonian Catacombs
Ozzie Mejia posted a new article, Guild Wars 2 diary: Dungeons of dragons.
Ozzie's Sylvari Mesmer hits level 30 and explores the dungeon and world v. world aspects of Guild Wars 2-
I'll have to say this is one of the more generic mmorpgs i've played for a while. On one hand they took a lot of the typical MMORPG repetitive tasks out, but it doesnt really add anything new. Its very.... very easy to level in the game... went from 60-62 in an hour or so yesterday but the combat, controls feel clunky.. and the tasks/quests are pretty much all copied 2-3 times over once you get past level 30.. the PVP mode (where you're lvl 80 and get precanned pvp gear) is ok.. but its just typical control point fare..
The world vs world combat is neat.. but nothing new compared to Dark Age of Camelot which came out a very long time ago.
I'd give this game a 7/10. Nothing new here,-
The only "new" thing is that they took apart the Tank-DD-Healer trinity (In GW2 basically everyone is a DD with a self heal and shielding capability), which is quite confusing at times - there is no aggro system and bosses (seemingly)randomly attack players which sometimes results in a chance for others to do massive damage but also makes the timing of CDs and self-heals annoying. On top of that its not always clear which target the mob is attacking and your target sometimes switches without any reason, which imo makes group combat extremely chaotic.
100% agree with everything you said. Concise and correct. I also am enjoying the game, but yeah, it's standard fair and definitely not innovative.
The hit detection stuff is so annoying. I have a feeling that a lot of this is lag induced (.1 second of horizontal movement can make a big difference) but randomly being obstructed or having skills not even fire off and going into the 3 second "you suck" cooldown when it clearly should have hit is getting a bit absurd at this point. The screenshot in the article above is a fantastic example of being "obstructed" while the dude is clearly in plain line of site!-
So what would u consider not generic? From what I've played so far its about as different as it gets for an mmo, with the movement mechanics, no dedicated classes etc, kind of feels a bit like an fps, which i like. There are aspects of an mmo which define the genre, like leveling and questing of some sort just to name a few. If you take away these things I'm pretty sure its no longer an mmo...