What are you playing: To the death
Hey, you! Yes, you. What are you playing this weekend? Check-in with Team Shack and see what we are up to!
Hey Shackers, how're games treating you today? I've been stuck in the same blasted spot in Transformers: Fall of Cybertron for several days now and am contemplating notching down the difficulty from hard to medium. I have a feeling it's only going to get more difficult from here, and I'm tired of getting stuck in cinematic death loops. They aren't quite as bad as Too Human's death scenes, but annoying enough. Maybe once I get some barbeque in me this weekend it'll help me power my way through.
(Click any editor's name to visit their Twitter page. Follow Shacknews on Twitter for regular updates.)
- Garnett Lee: A three-day weekend of gaming goodness ahead means I’m going to finish Lost Odyssey, seriously; I mean it. Of course I’m also going to play Guild Wars 2, Madden NFL 2013, and who knows what else. I have convinced myself that three days of fun must last at least as long as three work days do, right?
- John Keefer: I'm into nostalgia at the moment. All this talk of Planetary Annihilation has gotten me interested in the original again. So I'll be playing Total Annihilation. I also found Mass Effect 3 on sale, so I suspect I will be quite busy this three-day weekend.
- Andrew Yoon: Resident Evil 6 just came in...
- Alice O'Connor: I'm entering a surreal and depraved world of sex and violence. And then I'm going to the cinema to see Videodrome. THE TWO ARE SEPARATE EVENTS; DO YOU SEE?
- Jeff Mattas: I hope to finish Sleeping Dogs this weekend and dive headlong back in to Darksiders II. Because Death waits for no man. I also picked up Galaxy on Fire 2 HD on iPad for a buck. Not only am I enjoying it, but it reminds me how much I miss space sim-combat games.
- Steve Watts: I'll be playing tiny snippets of dozens of games at PAX. I'll also be speaking at the Beyond Borders: International Game Controversies panel on Saturday, so stop by and say hey.
- Ozzie Mejia: Tyria's a big place, isn't it? As a newcomer to the Guild Wars 2 world, I will continue exploring for your entertainment. Also hoping to meet up with my friend (a female Human named Binahsaurus) somewhere along the way, since her experience (translation: I got her addicted to GW in the first place) will prove a valuable guide.
- Tyler J. Smith: Transformers: Fall of Cybertron continues to plague me, so I'm going to put it down for a few days and play the third episode of The Walking Dead. Though if episode two is any indication, I'll probably sit down and repeat all three episodes in a row after finishing episode three.
Tyler J. Smith posted a new article, What are you playing: To the death.
Hey, you! Yes, you. What are you playing this weekend? Check-in with Team Shack and see what we are up to!-
Since I just installed my GTX 670? I guess I need to balance out time between Guild Wars 2 (Yaks Bend), Planetside 2, and The WItcher 2.
Lots of 2's... I'm glad PS2 lifted the NDA. I've been broadcasting that (twitch.tv/draco) and will probably pick it back up when I get home in the morning. It's starting to get pretty damn fun, especially averaging above 30 FPS all the time now. ;) -
Tribes Ascend is doing double XP, but I'm kind of in a Steam-backlog mood. Just finished up the "extended edition" addon for Hard Reset and I think it's time for some thirdpersonization. I started Prince of Persia 2008... also eyeing Alan Wake or Alice.
Hard Reset was an interesting animal. Even after almost 10 hours (with a long break in the middle) I still didn't feel like I was "one with" the two-tier weapon-switching system -- with a bit more awkwardness on top of that even, because of the switching delay and the slew of upgrades/altfires to keep in mind. I think if I ever completely internalized all that it would be a fun game to replay.
You should try the shack lingor server. Way less issues with hackers. Just filter for 'shacknews'
Here's a thread with some info on it. http://www.shacknews.com/chatty?id=28815479#item_28815479