Morning Caffeinated! -- Greenlight mail, ladies of the evening, and ArenaNet kudos
Ramblings and musings of occasional significance to the Shacknews audience. This is the morning edition for August 31, 2012. Topics include: Greenlight will mean more mail for journalists, will Whore of the Orient get past the ESRB, a pat on the back for ArenaNet. and Wake up, scrubs, it's the Morning Caffeinated!

Steam Greenlight is here

Nice mood shot. Odd name.
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John Keefer posted a new article, Morning Caffeinated! -- Greenlight mail, ladies of the evening, and ArenaNet kudos.
Ramblings and musings of occasional significance to the Shacknews audience. This is the morning edition for August 31, 2012. Topics include: Greenlight will mean more mail for journalists, will Whore of the Orient get past the ESRB, a pat on the back for ArenaNet. and Wake up, scrubs, it's the Morning Caffeinated!-
I know it doesn't affect my objectivity but its just the appearance that it might. We always divulge when a publisher gives us a game. It's part of the job to review their product. I have no financial interest in it at all. But donating to Kickstarter means that I suddenly have contributed to that game being made, the vested interest I mentioned.
It's a personal philosophy, though. People have said I should donate just enough to pay for a copy of the game. But it is sort of a reverse process that doesn't sit right. Non-Kickstarter games will come to the shelves and I pay my money after the fact. Paying before the fact just puts a different spin on things.