Morning Caffeinated! -- Two Interviews, a Wii U oops and VR, baby
Ramblings and musings of occasional significance to the Shacknews audience. This is the morning edition for August 28, 2012. Topics include: the tale of two interviews, a Wii U oopsy, and tidbits that might make you spew you coffee across the screen. Wake up, scrubs, it's the Morning Caffeinated!

Hawken coming with VR
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John Keefer posted a new article, Morning Caffeinated! -- Two Interviews, a Wii U oops and VR, baby.
Ramblings and musings of occasional significance to the Shacknews audience. This is the morning edition for August 28, 2012. Topics include: the tale of two interviews, a Wii U oopsy, and tidbits that might make you spew you coffee across the screen. Wake up, scrubs, it's the Morning Caffeinated!-
I was kind of sold by seeing another VR headset being used I never really thought about how natural the motion would be, but of course it would have to be.