Where are They Now: Graeme Devine
Where Are They Now takes a look back at some of the developers that we followed back when Shacknews was still young to find out what they are doing now. Today's guest, but not the 7th Guest, is Graeme Devine, co-founder of Trilobyte and programmer at id, among other cool things.

Graeme Devine

Devine and Trilobyte co-founder Landeros in 1993

Quake III Arena

Devine after he joined Apple in 2009.

Graeme's daughter Roque works with him at GRL
John Keefer posted a new article, Where are They Now: Graeme Devine.
Where Are They Now takes a look back at some of the developers that we followed back when Shacknews was still young to find out what they are doing now. Today's guest, but not the 7th Guest, is Graeme Devine, co-founder of Trilobyte and programmer at id, among other cool things.-
Sounds kinda like Majestic
Didn't do so hot. I also remember it had to be paused because of 9/11.
Hey, MattChat's not me latest interview is also with... Graeme Devine!
A multi-part interview series, in this first video they focus in on everything leading up to 7th Guest:
"Shacknews: Are there any trends that you see right now in the games industry that excite you or worry you?
Devine: Metrics and monetization strategies. The race to design a game that is all about getting the next micro transaction out of the player. Games are about being generous with fun and too many designers are now focused on not being generous with the fun. Games are not black boxes you AB test into profit, they are wild imaginative gambles. That's how we got the genres we have today, by making those gambles, and not enough people are being inventive enough these days." -
Anyone else remember that looong Gamespot article - 9 or so long pages - on the rise and fall of Trilobyte?
Sadly, their shitty new site only has the introduction visible. Google will take you to the rest of the pages, but they're unreadable in their current template.
They also had a great long article about what exactly happened to Trespasser. -
Great article. I'd like to see one on Chris Sawyer - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Sawyer