Xbox Live launching 'Election 2012' hub

Microsoft has announced an Election 2012 hub for Xbox Live, which will provide live coverage of events, daily polls, information on the candidates, and voter registration.


The video game industry apparently really wants you to vote this year. Microsoft has partnered with Rock the Vote, Face the Facts, and YouGov to decorate the dashboard with your civil duties. The "Election 2012 on Xbox Live" hub will offer live coverage of the presidential debates and conventions, information on the candidates' stances, polling data, and the ability to register to vote. It will launch next Monday.

Microsoft claims that a recent commissioned survey from StrategyOne showed that 40% of Xbox Live members are swing voters, so it hopes to encourage voters to get informed on the issues and exercise their vote. The most important issues from these swing voters were jobs/employment (39%), health care (29%), and taxes (22%).

Voter registration will be handled through Rock the Vote, and the non-partisan group Face the Facts will present videos to familiarize yourself with candidates' stances on major issues. YouGov will post daily polls regarding what's happening in the campaigns, along with daily results. The hub will also feature youth town halls from Tampa, FL (August 29) and Charlotte, NC (September 5). NBC's Chuck Todd and Chelsea Clinton will moderate the panels, host audience Q&As, and lead interviews.

If you want to use Xbox as a way of getting informed about the election, do note that you'll need an Xbox Live Gold account to access any of these features. Talk about elitism, right?

From The Chatty
  • reply
    August 23, 2012 12:00 PM

    Steve Watts posted a new article, Xbox Live launching 'Election 2012' hub.

    Microsoft has announced an Election 2012 hub for Xbox Live, which will provide live coverage of events, daily polls, information on the candidates, and voter registration.

    • reply
      August 23, 2012 12:02 PM


    • reply
      August 23, 2012 12:03 PM

      I wonder if voting participation would go up if there was achievements attached to this.

    • reply
      August 23, 2012 1:02 PM

      Based on Xbox live voice chat, I can conclude that most xbox gamers are: racist, homophobic, misogynistic, egocentric, poorly informed, and believe that war is all fun and games. The Republican party should have their votes locked up.

      • reply
        August 23, 2012 2:06 PM

        Fortunately, xbox live voice chat also confirms that those people are 12 years old, so they don't get to vote in the real election yet.

      • reply
        August 23, 2012 3:38 PM

        Your first mistake was listening to public chat.

    • reply
      August 23, 2012 5:01 PM

      I've been doing some work on this, mainly on the live video player. Hope you guys try it out and find it useful!

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