Diablo 3 real-money auction house gets commodities

The new 1.0.3b patch for Diablo III adds new commodities to the real-money auction house.


The real-money auction house in Diablo III picked up some new additions to its inventory with the latest 1.0.3b patch, now allowing players to purchase such things as hard-to-find blacksmithing plans and jeweler designs.

The latest patch notes list dyes, gems, crafting materials and pages of training as also being available. Gold has not yet been implemented for purchase, but that feature should be coming soon.

Diablo III can be a grind-fest, but the new commodities should make it easier for players who prefer to pay through the wallet to make their trip through Inferno a bit easier.

Contributing Editor
From The Chatty
  • reply
    July 11, 2012 9:30 AM

    John Keefer posted a new article, Diablo 3 real-money auction house gets commodities.

    The new 1.0.3b patch for Diablo III adds new commodities to the real-money auction house.

    • reply
      July 11, 2012 12:18 PM

      Lame, does this make the lame Inferno mode more interesting than "Lets see how long I can go before I run into the impossible elite mob pack?"

      Best part about the collectors edition I bought was D2 included... which is still better than this watered down WoW for Dummies

    • reply
      July 11, 2012 12:34 PM

      Remember folks. The trick to making money on commodities isn't about speculating on whether prices will rise or fall; it's about making sure you get the commission.

      • reply
        July 11, 2012 12:46 PM

        I just threw every single gem & book I had up there for $0.25 a piece.

        If they sell? Well, lol.

        • reply
          July 11, 2012 12:47 PM

          Wait, how can you sell stuff for less than a dollar? Doesn't Blizzard take $1 per transaction?

          • reply
            July 11, 2012 12:51 PM


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              July 11, 2012 12:53 PM

              At least on the gold AH, stacks aren't an "all or nothing" sale. You can sell a partial stack.

              You generally will only see this in very, very rare circumstances (specifically canceling the auction early), but I've seen it happen.

              • reply
                July 11, 2012 12:56 PM

                Specifically, I've fucked up before by listed an essence stack for ridiculously low, realized the mistake, and as fast as I could canceling the auction.

                On return I got part of the stack I listed back, plus gold from the rest of the stack that sold.

          • reply
            July 11, 2012 12:52 PM

            He is gonna owe Blizzard some cash tomorrow.

          • reply
            July 11, 2012 12:52 PM

            The lowest price per unit of any commodity is a quarter. I think the transaction fee might be taken out of the stack...?

            I don't know. Commodities are weird, but fuck it -- if my shit sells, it's like $600.

          • reply
            July 11, 2012 12:56 PM


        • reply
          July 11, 2012 1:50 PM

          Yep, that 30% vig is retarded though, had to send it to blizz bucks.

    • reply
      July 11, 2012 1:04 PM

      Made a bunch of money laundering gold into lvl 10 & 14 gems and then selling them on the RMAH. Made close to $2.25/million that way.

      They really fucked up pricing of essence and tomes though.

      • reply
        July 11, 2012 1:07 PM

        it's kind of hilarious how essences are worth what, ~0.2-0.5 cents or so per in gold value but the floor price is 25 cents

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        July 11, 2012 1:52 PM

        I don't get why they spent the time making an actual RMAH and didn't just make it possible to sell gold. That seems like it would have saved them SO MUCH effort. It's like two separate economies competing with each other.

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          July 11, 2012 2:49 PM

          They are allowing it, they just haven't activated the gold selling (probably because there is going to be 50 billion gold up as soon as it opens :( )

          • reply
            July 11, 2012 3:05 PM

            I worded my post really badly. I meant to say why did they bother making an RMAH at all, because it just adds confusion of prices. $250 cap, having to know the $/gold ratio to figure out how much something is really worth in gold, etc.

            It seems like the AH would have been far better off if it was all gold for item sales, but you could sell gold for real money.

    • reply
      July 11, 2012 1:06 PM

      I didn't really think about it, but this seems to be a really decent way of selling gold (until gold selling comes in). Like I noticed last night that Radiant Square gems were like $35 so you could buy one of those and turn around and sell it for gold and get like 25 mil or whatever.

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