New video game releases of 6/11-6/17
Next week will bring Lollipop Chainsaw from Grasshopper, post-apocalyptic action-RPG Krater, PulzAR, Gravity Rush, expandalone Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion, Dirt Showdown for consoles, and more.
Oh sure E3, fill our heads with games we won't be able to play for yonks, you rapscallion you. So, to cleanse our palate after all that, let's have a gander at next week's new releases. Ooh, we'll be getting Lollipop Chainsaw from Grasshopper, post-apocalyptic action-RPG Krater, PulzAR, Gravity Rush, expandalone Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion, Dirt Showdown for consoles, and more.
Here's our list of next week's new releases:
- Krater (download - $15)
- The Adventures of Shuggy (Steam)
- Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion (download)
- Splice (download - $10)
Xbox 360
PlayStation 3
Nintendo DS
- 7 Wonders II (DSiWare - $8)
- Devil Band: Rock the Underworld (DSiWare - $2)
- iCarly: Groovy Foodie!
Alice O'Connor posted a new article, New video game releases of 6/11-6/17.
Next week will bring Lollipop Chainsaw from Grasshopper, post-apocalyptic action-RPG Krater, PulzAR, Gravity Rush, expandalone Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion, Dirt Showdown for consoles, and more.