Diablo 3 online profiles, Starter Edition demo detailed

With Diablo III launching tomorrow, Blizzard has explained its plans for online character profiles, as well as how the 'Starter Edition' demo will be limited with guest passes at first.


"Diablo III launches on Tuesday," a voice whispers. Startled, you jump and almost don't believe it, then you realise it's your voice, and it's not whispering, it's yelling, over and over, and you're standing in the supermarket, arms raised to the ceiling, weeping. So with that happening, Blizzard has explained its plans for online character profiles, as well as how the 'Starter Edition' demo will be limited with guest passes at first.

You'll be able to show off your characters to the world in an online profile, similar to the World of Warcraft Armory, Blizzard explained in a blog post. As well as tracking you and your followers' skills, attribute and equipment (dyes, gems and all), your profile will boast of your progress, kills, Hardcore achievements and whatnot.

Like StarCraft II, Diablo III annoyingly won't have an actual demo at first, instead including a guest pass for the Starter Edition in each boxed copy of the game. It'll offer the same content as the beta--the first part of Act I, up to the Skeleton King, with a level 13 cap, no access to the real money auction house, and matchmaking only with fellow Starter players.

Fear not, though, as the Starter Edition will open up for everyone 30 days after Diablo III launches. Check out the guest pass support page for more on how that'll all work.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    May 14, 2012 7:00 AM

    Alice O'Connor posted a new article, Diablo 3 online profiles, Starter Edition demo detailed.

    With Diablo III launching tomorrow, Blizzard has explained its plans for online character profiles, as well as how the 'Starter Edition' demo will be limited with guest passes at first.

    • reply
      May 14, 2012 8:07 AM

      lol at all the gear in the screenshot being magic find; the paradox: do you max MF, or do you actually use the cool shit you find with it?

    • reply
      May 14, 2012 8:39 AM

      To prepare for the release- this is user-editable page for Diablo III, focusing only on bugs, fixes and workarounds: http://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Diablo_III - if you find a new fix, add it in (no account required).

      • reply
        May 14, 2012 10:43 AM

        lol thanks for explaining what a wiki is good sir

        • reply
          May 14, 2012 5:22 PM

          I thought a wiki was a fruit... chicken, of the desert oasis.

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