Draw Something adding branded words

Draw Something is adding branded words to its dictionary as part of a new advertising revenue stream for the game.


The hit mobile game Draw Something is adding a new wrinkle to its revenue stream: branded words. Scattered among its more general dictionary will be product names. One of the first to bite was the National Hockey League, providing the NHL with mind share and plenty of fan-made drawings to tout on Pinterest.

Ad Age (via CVG) reports that the game tested the idea by inserting a few recognizable brands like Nike and KFC into the game's dictionary. That prompted the company to seek out advertising sponsors for their branded words, which are starting in earnest.

The revenue model for Draw Something was based around ads, as well as the ability to purchase more colors or usable items. Branded items might be a good revenue generator, but the game will have to be careful not to turn players off -- especially as its user base is already in decline.

Even with the decline, OMGPOP has a healthy 10 million daily players. In March, Zynga purchased it for a whopping $180 million in March.

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