Crysis 3 announced, coming to PC, PS3, and Xbox 360
Crysis 3 has been announced--but only after a series of leaks forced publisher Electronic Arts to confirm the game's existence.
Crysis 3 has been announced--but only after a series of leaks forced publisher Electronic Arts to confirm the game's existence. "The best kept secret in shooters just can't be contained," the publisher confirmed.
Leaked boxart which appeared briefly on Origin showed off a Nanosuit-wearing soldier in yet another urban environment. This time, though, he's carrying a bow and arrow.
The leaked Origin entry (via DSO Gaming) also revealed the platforms. Predictably, it's Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC.
"Stay tuned for more information on April 16," an EA representative told The Verge. We'll have more information then.
Andrew Yoon posted a new article, Crysis 3 announced, coming to PC, PS3, and Xbox 360.
Crysis 3 has been announced--but only after a series of leaks forced publisher Electronic Arts to confirm the game's existence.-
The game's about aliens, gives them excuses to have neat environments I guess. The problem seems to be that they take a game that rewards stealth and accuracy, and turn it into a game where you just have to unload wildly at baddies to kill them. If they're going to do that, then they need to really make you feel like you've got some heavy firepower.
The big heavy ones were definitely pretty stupid. Since they don't speak english, there's no way to create the illusion that they're communicating and working together, so that make them seem dumber than the human opponents. They can't taunt you, either, like the humans do.
They just seemed pretty bland and lame. I'd rather just take on more humans in varied locations. -
Yah. Well the fun I had in Crysis 1 was nearly being dead all the time and despite that kicking ass like the Predator. In Crysis 2 the fun I had was being way overpowered and fucking with the weakass AI who can be 'ambushed' by uncloaking, shooting one dude in the face, cloaking again, standing in the same exact fucking spot, taking aim at the next dude's head and then just doing that till a whole squad is dead cause they'll never clue in, unlike Crysis 1 where you could do that maybe once and then get naded/showered with lead the moment you uncloaked again.
And that's fun to mess with the AI in Crysis 2 like that, sure it's fun, but I went back to play Crysis 2 a second time and was bored to tears, I realised that I could exploit cloak and armor even before upgrading them (whereas my first go through it I was a little bit conservative in my play). On the other hand I keep going back to Crysis 1 three times now because I know in that game I gotta actually think a bit about what I'm doing or I'll end up in a very tedious replay cycle.
And that's enough reason to be disappointed with Crysis 2 and not come back for a third round, even if you did have fun with it.
I bought Crysis 2 after the patch but really, it was unacceptable that all that stuff wasn't there on Day 1.
I complain sometimes about "entitled PC gamers", but there is a baseline of functionality that if you don't meet gamers are justified in ripping you a new one. And IMO delaying the PC version to do it right is preferable to releasing something shitty.