Indie Jeff's Weekly Pick: AirMech (alpha)
For this week's indie pick, I take a look at AirMech, the upcoming high-octane action-strategy title from Carbon Games, and chat about it with developer James Green.

Behold the chaos of war!
A big feature that has been waiting to go in because of art needed is the new Factory, Power Station, and Radar buildings you can capture. These work like the current buildings you can capture, except they will give the team controlling them additional benefits. The Factory makes everything build a bit faster, the Power Station increases your recharge/heal rate, and Radar expands your view of the enemy greatly. I think this will add more strategy to what part of the map teams choose to control.In other words, as great as AirMech is in its current alpha state, there's some really cool and significant new stuff coming down the pipeline. Best of all, the upcoming content really seems in-aid of further embellishing the solid core gameplay. As if that weren't enough, a version of AirMech for Chrome is also in the works, which also looks great in its early state, even though multiplayer functionality for that version is still being developed. When AirMech launches, Green confirmed that it will implement a free-to-play model similar to that of Riot Games' League of Legends. It's a model that Green thinks will work well for AirMech, provided that it's handled correctly. "Despite being a hardcore gamer myself," he said, "I have come around to the idea of F2P by viewing it as a demo of a game that you can play with the whole live community." "Riot proved to me with League of Legends that you can make a F2P game without taking advantage of your players," Green explained, "and we've been looking at their model the closest." "It's still a bit of a leap of faith for us," he qualified. "Because we are concentrating on the core game, we actually don't have that much stuff to 'sell' currently, compared to other hardcore F2P games. We believe that the core of everything is you have to have a fun game, so that is our priority for the time being. We'll transition to adding content and new gameplay after the core game is solid."I'm also really excited about some of the new AirMechs and Units in the pipeline. We've been spending a lot of time on core systems lately, so getting back to adding fun stuff will be great. There's AirMechs that can heal, another with a high powered single-shot railgun, even a massive one that can serve as a tank. We have a lot of new unit types as well, thinking along the lines of tower defense games and what they offer. Because we don't take ourselves too seriously, we can have just about any type of mechanic borrowed from any game where it makes sense from a gameplay perspective.

Jeff Mattas posted a new article, Indie Jeff's Weekly Pick: AirMech (alpha).
For this week's indie pick, I take a look at AirMech, the upcoming high-octane action-strategy title from Carbon Games, and chat about it with developer James Green.-
Indeed it is. I haven't been talking about it much except when asked because I know how brutal the Shack can be. I still look at the game and see what a long way we have to go in some areas, but it is still pretty fun if you realize it's not finished.
Trying to carve out a new type of hybrid point in trying to directly compete with the other DotA games, there's already such great games made and more on the way. We hope AirMech is kind of a lite alternative for those looking for something faster paced, or with a non-fantasy theme.
Gameplay videos of AirMech:
Ask and ye shall receive, and thangs. Pretty cool! I could see playing that. I like the way the players are superfast compared to the minions.
Any plans for Air Minions? Slower stuff like Apache, A-10, or even some jets for a bombing/strafing run?
I saw there was a playable chopper in that 45min match.
An A-10 playable would work well, I think. -
And as I was posting that, the guy doing developer commentary said "There's a lot of problems with the art... if you blur your eyes and look at the game you get an idea of what we're going for, but it still needs a lot of extra props and decorations."
Hmm, probably that's not actually a bad sign, but a funny coincidence anyway. :-)-
Don't worry, we won't ruin the aesthetic. That's why I say the "blur your eyes" part--there's touching up of textures to be done, fixing seams, adding nicer deco bits. Also, effects for sure, explosions and weapon effects need a huge pass. Just trying to prioritize according to how critical things are to the game.
Chrome Version you can play the alpha right now, just join this Google Group:
There's links in the messages that you can see after joining the group. It uses membership of that group for access control in the Chrome Store for now, until we get out of alpha.
Having a few steps like that to get in creates a nice simple barrier to entry to keep the herp derps out. -
We actually did learn a lot from Fat Princess. First was don't use a system handed to you by Sony that wasn't totally tested, and two is to test early and build to scale. For FP, Sony screwed up our beta test (it was new code, not really their fault I guess) and then launched a full game with no real testing at scale.
So for AirMech, it's totally the opposite--test super early, slowly scale up. We can patch whenever we need to, something you can't do on XBLA or PSN.
If/when we do console versions, they will benefit from having a proven networking model. I don't think a small company can do the kind of testing they need to when launching a big console game.
And for the other thing, legal concerns with transforming robots? Robotech, Transformers, Gobots, Gundam...there's no patent on transforming robots. We're not using any transformation designs from any of them. At least none of the obvious ones, and nothing intentional beyond that. They're all original transforming robots of our own design.-
Yeah, I hate sucky lauches as well. We won't announce we are out of beta until we feel it's super bulletproof. I mean, we welcome people to play now, if they understand it's alpha and they want to help us by playing. The best and simplest way anyone can help is by just playing some multiplayer, it puts stress on our backend which is what we need. Even without giving us feedback that helps, we log things to help us improve.
For people who want a perfect experience, you can wait until later, definitely don't want to twist anyone's arm to play the game now. It's like an open party, with no cover charge! Have fun if you like, no hard feelings if it's not your thing at this time. :)
It's really fun, but I wish it borrowed unique hero abilities that you level up from DOTA to really make it a strong game. As of right now, it's just level up hp, air dmg, ground dmg, unit dmg which is rather boring in terms of leveling up. Also I want numbers!!!! to show me how much my damage/hp increased. Especially for units.
Oh, I just have the basic airmech. You guys should probably unlock that stuff for testing, or maybe your real testers have unlocked accounts. :( But theres also a serious lack of feedback for upgrades. I put a point into HP. How much more HP is that? How much damage does the enemy do so I know how many more shots I can take? Stuff like that.
We'll add more feedback during beta. Alpha is for those that are curious and not caught up in the balance of things, because it changes all the time. You'll probably enjoy the beta more.
Lots of people have unlocked all the content, and we actually don't think we'll need to reset. Referrals will earn you free content and boosts. We don't want people just playing a few games and getting access to all the content at this time, because it will skew the testing quite a bit. -
I absolutely loved Herzog Zwei, and Airmech captures the feeling really well. Very interested in seeing how the maps and balance issues will work out. I haven't tried much PvP yet but I'm trying to get some of my friends into the chrome version. Word of advice- you WILL close the window if you use CTRL to transform (because you're probably holding down W to move), so get used to using the shift key. It's infuriating.
The Chrome version is a bit less stable in multiplayer currently because we're kind of wading into brand new territory. We've made a lot of progress and believe the remaining issues to be solvable.
Compatibility testing is a bit easier on Chrome because Google is doing a lot of that for Native Client, but that's more of a burden on us for the PC side. I expect the Chrome version to actually be more compatible than the PC version for the next while, though eventually PC should be great for the hardcore fans who would prefer total control over convenience of the browser.
The accounts are shared between all platforms though. Chrome, PC, Android, whatever platforms we do, you'll just have one account you log into so you don't have to re-unlock things.