MechWarrior Online aiming for 12v12

Piranha's free-to-play stompy robot game MechWarrior Online is aiming to offer multiplayer mech melee in size 12v12, assuming it can deliver a "solid play experience" at that scale. This revelation and more come from a new community Q&A.


Piranha's free-to-play stompy robot game MechWarrior Online is aiming to offer multiplayer mech melee in size 12v12, assuming it can deliver a "solid play experience" at that scale. This revelation and more come from a new community Q&A, covering topics including cosmetic customization, mercenary contracts, and influencing key historic battles in the world's story.

If MechWarrior Online isn't up for 12v12, technical director Matt Craig explained in the Q&A, Piranha will knock it down to 8v8--two 'lances' of four mechs per team. Fingers crossed for large-scale mechanised mayhem, everyone.

As for customizing your shiny toys with logos and skins, creative director Bryan Ekman notes, "We plan to provide players with a set of tools and in-game content for Mech and Merc Corp customization." The ability to import your own external graphics won't be available at launch, at least.

MechWarrior Online's story will run in 'real time' within the well-established lore, so key battles and events are already scripted, but it's not yet clear whether players will be able to take part in these. "The problem with historic battles is they have predictable and necessary outcomes," Ekman explained. "We are looking at creative ways to involve the community in these key events."

Piranha is also looking into the possibility of imbalance in faction membership. Lead designer Paul Inouye explains, "Certain incentives can be provided to join a specific House and there can be kickbacks in terms of lower operating costs if you are in a less populated House. We are still addressing this issue and will let you know in a future update as to our conclusion."

MechWarrior Online is slated to launch in 2012.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    December 22, 2011 10:45 AM

    Alice O'Connor posted a new article, MechWarrior Online aiming for 12v12.

    Piranha's free-to-play stompy robot game MechWarrior Online is aiming to offer multiplayer mech melee in size 12v12, assuming it can deliver a "solid play experience" at that scale. This revelation and more come from a new community Q&A.

    • reply
      December 22, 2011 10:47 AM

      Cautiously optimistic about this.

      • reply
        December 22, 2011 11:22 AM

        I know... so much potential... I just hope they don't screw it up.

    • reply
      December 22, 2011 12:17 PM

      Mechwarrior never really had that great of multi. It always ended up people running in circles trying to shoot each others legs out. Hopefully this will end up something closer to Solaris.

      • reply
        December 22, 2011 1:00 PM

        I like PPC headshots myself.

      • reply
        December 22, 2011 1:06 PM

        I just keep thinking about the Battletech Center I went to in Chicago once... that was freaking amazing! I want something like that with updated graphics etc.. and I'd be VERY happy.

      • reply
        December 22, 2011 1:28 PM


      • reply
        December 22, 2011 1:36 PM

        Considering Piranha Games has said that they want battles to be more tactical than the circle of death. Here's throwing in for hoping they're successful.
        More important than the 12v12 news (and failing that, the 8v8 part) is the question and answer on Loyalty Points, their decay, and their affect on rank and bonuses. They seemed to have 180'd on a few points and for the better, particularly with respect to the former semi-permanence of ranks and rank-based bonuses (as gained through LP).

      • reply
        December 22, 2011 2:05 PM

        Your opinion is that of someone who didn't play much Mechwarrior multiplayer.

      • reply
        December 22, 2011 3:28 PM

        If you read the developer blogs they are going to address the "circle of death" issue by making more urban maps which require more tactical gameplay and less field duels.

        Not that dueling isn't fun but it tended to dominate earlier games. Also, they want to get a handle on "Pop-tarting" (hiding behind a structure with a Jump-jet enabled mech, jumping straight up and firing then coming back down behind the structure which gives you instant cover.

        These guys are keenly aware of the job ahead of them. Hardcore Battletech devotees are notorious for being brutally nit-picky about following the source material and fairness in combat.

        • reply
          December 22, 2011 6:15 PM

          This is what I wanted to hear. The best multiplayer Mechwarrior game was Battletech Solaris. Game was about shot selection, aim and timing. Had a great community as well.

        • reply
          December 23, 2011 1:54 PM

          "Hardcore Battletech devotees..."? You mean all gamers in general. haha

    • reply
      December 22, 2011 12:42 PM

      *crawls back into cave and waits for a real mechwarrior sequel*

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        December 22, 2011 3:31 PM

        Good luck on that. read the original blog and read how the MW5 trailer got an amazing response but not a single publisher wanted to touch it because MS wouldn't allow a PS3 port.

        This looks to be more of a Solaris sequel which was pretty damned fun in its own right.

        Half a loaf is better than none.

    • reply
      December 22, 2011 1:03 PM

      Lost me at "free-to-play"...yuck.

      • reply
        December 23, 2011 7:03 AM

        Don't make assumptions. There are plenty of good F2P combat sim games out there. Most notably World of Tanks. You can play the entire game without spending a dime, and just need to grind a bit more than those who throw down some money for in game currency.

        Also that game uses 15 v 15 battles on some fairly large maps, with decent looking terrain and effects, with not a spot of lag. Granted mech models may be heavier on the polygons but if done right there is no reason 12 v 12 battles wouldn't be able to be completely lag free.

    • reply
      December 22, 2011 1:35 PM

      Back during the last good online mech game, (mech2 netmech obviously) we played 2v2 or 3v3 because the lag was so bad otherwise. Anxious to see how this will play, particularly if they get larger battles.

      I do hope they're planning on making piloting a more important part of the gameplay though, the later mech3/4 games had slow mechs with terrible jump jet manueverability so the key emphasis was on aiming only. There wasn't nearly as much opportunity to dodge and use piloting prowess to win matches like there was in mech2 IMO.

      • reply
        December 22, 2011 1:43 PM

        agreed on all fronts, though my group did have a bunch of fun with Mech 4, it just didn't last

    • reply
      December 23, 2011 2:54 AM

      That makes the decision of converting this into a P2W look even more idiotic. Bravo, PIranha!

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