Steam Trading officially launches
Steam's snazzy interface for trading games and in-game items has come out of public testing and officially launched, letting you swap hats for games and all that jazz.
Steam's snazzy new trading feature has come out of public testing and officially launched. It lets Steam users swap games for hats, hats for guns, or any combination thereof through a snazzy and secure interface.
The official launch also adds support for trading Spiral Knights and Portal 2 items, on top of the Team Fortress 2 trading seen in the beta. The Steam store also now has the option to buy gift copies of games to stash in your inventory for later gifting or trading. Only unused gift copies can be traded, not games you've played or accepted.
"The addition of Steam Trading is the latest example of how Steam continues to evolve with new features and functions developed based upon feedback," Valve director of business development Jason Holtman said. "We look forward to seeing how gamers and developers have fun and move this functionality forward."
Trading has also been added Valve's Steamworks SDK, letting other developers add it to their own games.
Alice O'Connor posted a new article, Steam Trading officially launches.
Steam's snazzy interface for trading games and in-game items has come out of public testing and officially launched, letting you swap hats for games and all that jazz. -