Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker HD demo video released
Have you been dying to see Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker's upcoming HD console release in action? Have you been looking forward to seeing someone play it well? We can only deliver on one of those dreams today.
Konami has released a video of Peace Walker HD, one of the titles included in the PS3 and Xbox 360 Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, in action. The video apparently serves two purposes: It shows off the upgraded visuals from the PSP turned console title and acts as a guide of "what never to do" in the game.
Namely, the video features a player that decides to forgo any attempt at stealth in favor of collecting bullets with Snake's aging body.
If you can manage watching the video without screaming "What the hell are you doing?!" at your monitor, cementing yourself as the office oddball, you're a better man than I.
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection is set to arrive this November.
Xav de Matos posted a new article, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker HD demo video released.
Have you been dying to see Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker's upcoming HD console release in action? Have you been looking forward to seeing someone play it well? We can only deliver on one of those dreams today.-
I'm actually surprised a publisher would release an official video that so poorly represents the game. Whoever played the game seemed to have no idea WTF they were doing. It's one thing for a newbie to release a video like that on YouTube or something, but for a video intended by the publisher to represent a product... Wow.