Forza Motorsport 4 due October 11

Turn 10's latest Xbox 360-exclusive racing sim will launch in North America on October 11, before rolling out to the rest of the world over the next week or so.


Turn 10's latest Xbox 360-exclusive racing sim Forza Motorsport 4 will be released in October, publisher Microsoft revealed has during E3. A new round of screenshots was also released, for your viewing pleasure.

Forza 4 will be released in North America on October 11, before arriving in Europe on October 14, then hitting the rest of the world on October 20. Say, that's about when Microsoft's new Xbox 360 Wireless Speed Wheel is due to launch. What a happy coincidence.

Forza 4 will boast Kinect support, using the motion sensor for actual usual-sounding things as well as cosmetic fluff. Racers using Kinect can use head tracking, which Microsoft says "pans the camera view based on how you naturally look into the corners when you're hard charging."

You can also usual Kinect as a virtual steering wheel, though that's probably not recommended for serious racers, and navigate the menus with Kinect voice control. On top of that, there's a virtual showroom for your cars, in which you can apparently "crouch down to look at the details, or open the doors and hood using the power of Kinect."

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