Konami teases new Contra with fiery logo

At the end of its conference last night, Konami teased something new coming from the Contra series with the franchise's classic fiery 'C' logo.


During the last moments of Konami's pre-E3 press conference, a fireball curled around the black screen revealing the classic Contra logo.

"They're Coming" the teaser announced. No other information was provided, but we're hoping "they" will be coming to E3 2011 next week. Shacknews will be on deck to bring you the most important news from the show.

Konami had a number of announcements during the conference, including HD collections for the Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, and Zone of the Enders franchises. Additionally, Hideo Kojima teased an unannounced multiplatform project which will utilize his production company's new proprietary "Fox Engine."

The short trailer is available below [via GameTrailers], but we recommend you do not blink.

Xav de Matos was previously a games journalist creating content at Shacknews.

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  • reply
    June 3, 2011 12:30 PM

    Xav de Matos posted a new article, Konami teases new Contra with fiery logo.

    At the end of its conference last night, Konami teased something new coming from the Contra series with the franchise's classic fiery 'C' logo.

    • reply
      June 3, 2011 12:39 PM

      I loved the originals, this would be great as a 3rd person shooter too, like the end zones of the first game.

    • reply
      June 3, 2011 1:15 PM

      and its gonna be a first person shooter...

    • reply
      June 3, 2011 1:28 PM

      I wonder who the "they" are? Bill Rizer and... Lance Bean? Genbei Yagyu? Lucia?

      Not that it really matters. Just curious. Side scroller, first person, third person, isometric, whatever. So long as its over the top and lets you blow a lot of shit up, I'll be happy.

      • reply
        June 3, 2011 2:35 PM

        Probotector A and Probotector B

    • reply
      June 3, 2011 2:34 PM

      Wonder who's doing it? WayForward did a great job with Contra 4 and it's one of my favorite DS titles.

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