Crysis 2 'Retaliation' map pack incoming

Four new multiplayer maps are coming to Crysis 2 on May 17 in the 'Retaliation' map pack DLC, for your face-shooting pleasure.


If you're still playing Crysis 2's multiplayer and have a hankering for some new maps, developer Crytek has your back. The 'Retaliation' map pack was formally announced today by publisher EA, though word of it leaked out last month.

New multiplayer maps Park Avenue, Transit, Shipyard, and Compound will be available for your face-shooting pleasure when the downloadable content launches on May 17. They're new maps. Four of them. You'll get to play them in multiplayer. In Crysis 2. On your Windows PC, Xbox 360 videogame and entertainment system, or PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system. Four. New ones. May 17.

It'd be lovely if Retaliation were free, but pricing has not yet been revealed and if wishes were horses, beggars would ride. The leaky whispered rumours suggested Retaliation would cost 800 Microsoft Points ($10). Such a price would be a reasonable maximum, for it takes a huge amount of confidence to price your first-person shooter's map packs in the same range as those for Call of Duty games.

Here, come see the maps:

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    May 10, 2011 6:00 AM

    Alice O'Connor posted a new article, Crysis 2 'Retaliation' map pack incoming.

    Four new multiplayer maps are coming to Crysis 2 on May 17 in the 'Retaliation' map pack DLC, for your face-shooting pleasure.

    • reply
      May 10, 2011 6:02 AM

      Not worth it on PC what with hacking and cheating still being so prevalent. :[

      • reply
        May 10, 2011 6:06 AM

        is it really bad in this game?

        • reply
          May 10, 2011 6:08 AM

          Infinite cloak + infinite armor +infinite ammo + shooting without decloaking = yes.

          • reply
            May 10, 2011 6:31 AM

            Which is a damn shame, because the mechanics are actually pretty fun.

      • reply
        May 10, 2011 6:12 AM

        Yup, it's pretty bad. How is the population in the States? Lot of people playing it?

        • reply
          May 10, 2011 6:20 AM

          No idea. I quit playing before they even got the hung lobbies fixed. (So like 2 or 3 days after release.)

          • reply
            May 10, 2011 6:36 AM

            Doesn't that kind of make your OP a bit sketchy? Not that you didn't have a good reason for quitting, but where are you getting your information about the current state from?

            • reply
              May 10, 2011 6:39 AM

              It's all over any forum discussing the game. It's a known problem and Crytek is doing jack all to fix it.

            • reply
              May 10, 2011 6:48 AM

              And here's a vid from yesterday (turn off your sound first):

            • reply
              May 10, 2011 4:40 PM

              I can confirm what he says. I been playing hardcore last week and have encountered a couple of hackers every day. Also the votekick system sucks cause there's no prompt, you have to drop console and type in vote. Problem arises when you have noobs who don't know what the console is thus the hacker doesn't get kick. And apparently there's a way for the hacker to stop the votekick from happening at all.

      • reply
        May 10, 2011 6:47 AM

        So another crytek mp experience.

    • reply
      May 10, 2011 6:09 AM


      • reply
        May 10, 2011 6:20 AM

        I find it hilarious that people think DX11 will magically make the game that much better or prettier.

      • reply
        May 10, 2011 6:25 AM


        • reply
          May 10, 2011 11:23 AM

          Looks better than anything else out there? LOL.. maybe on the consoles. The constant low-res textures would like a word with yeah.

          • reply
            May 10, 2011 4:57 PM

            DX11 won't magically increase texture resolution. The game already uses 1GB of VRAM as well, how many people out there have 1.5GB or 2GB video cards?

            • reply
              May 11, 2011 11:18 AM

              And I never said it would, I just merely pointed out that Crysis 2 has mediocre graphics as best, good lighting effects, with everything else being meh.

    • reply
      May 10, 2011 6:34 AM

      Still haven't tried this game yet, is the SP any good compared to the first and warhead?

      • reply
        May 10, 2011 6:37 AM


        • reply
          May 10, 2011 11:25 AM

          Cool aliens and interesting level design..? We must be playing totally different games. The alien design is one of the worst things about this game, at least they were somewhat interesting in the first Crysis.

          • reply
            May 10, 2011 11:30 AM

            Much better design from a combat perspective. The flying squids of Crysis were just annoying to fight against.

          • reply
            May 10, 2011 1:41 PM

            The levels looked and felt like they were designed for MP.

            The aliens were ALL THE SAME. There were literally four different kinds of aliens, all of whom behaved in the exact same ways with varying health levels.

            The aliens from Crysis 1 were actually hard to track and kill. The aliens in C2 were just the same humans you fought earlier in the game in different skin.

      • reply
        May 10, 2011 8:16 AM

        I found the SP to be fantastic and totally underrated. If you've got the beefy tech, do itttttt.

      • reply
        May 10, 2011 11:26 AM

        The first Crysis had a much better SP experience, this one takes a good 5-6 hours to finally get interesting and entertaining.

    • reply
      May 10, 2011 11:25 AM

      Maps look cool, though I don't play the MP. I'd much rather have the DirectX 11 patch. =P

    • reply
      May 10, 2011 2:27 PM

      Can't wait! I love the MP in this game.

      • reply
        May 10, 2011 4:51 PM

        I really enjoyed the hour that I played I have to get back to it.

    • reply
      May 15, 2011 8:25 AM


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