Deus Ex: Human Revolution PC screens revealed
Square Enix provides the first look at Deus Ex: Human Revolution for the PC in the form of three screenshots, in development from Nixxes Software with Eidos Montreal overseeing the final product.

First look at Deus Ex: Human Revolution on PC
Xav de Matos posted a new article, Deus Ex: Human Revolution PC screens revealed.
Square Enix provides the first look at Deus Ex: Human Revolution for the PC in the form of three screenshots, in development from Nixxes Software with Eidos Montreal overseeing the final product.-
use you can add some new textures and remodelled items but honestly there is no need. the first level is somewhat fugly visually but the immersion is so high that you won't notice it and the overall atmosphere of the game is incredible.
once you are in hongkong you will love the detail and scale of the game.
there are quite a few mods that can help you pimp up the visuals etc
once you played it, even today you will understand the universal praise this game receives.
just use the modern renderer that i mentioned in the old post.
if you want to nitpick look at the teacup stance of the guy in the front right (or their soulless porcelain faces) and the duplicate far behind in the screen. if you played the old releases of witcher for example every granny or old guy looked exactly the same. you could meet 4 identical models on the same screen when it was raining an people flocked up under cover. as for sharing the same animations look up the old deus ex or vampires, admittedly it was cleverly done as part of dancing to the music but i guess there isnt much difference when they are drinking coffee. no wide range of animations needed ;)
its not great but that doesnt bother me if the game can gather some of that original spark the first game had.
I want to see this future in more games
Eidos talk Deus Ex: Human Revolution PC exclusive features
Deus Extras
Katsman adds that there will be “additional graphics features and a different weapon selection bar to tailor to the keyboard and mouse. There is a simple drag and drop interface to bind things in your inventory to specific keys on your keyboard, making them quickly accessible, and you can then also cycle through these with your mouse scroll wheel while in-game.
“For graphics, there are some unique features, like smoother shadows, more realistic ambient occlusion effects, stereoscopic 3D– various things that the extra hardware allows us to do. Our focus has been making sure that the game is built for the PC platform as well as possible.”
There will also be full mouse support for the game’s menus, and the team have entirely re-thought the interface for the hacking mini-game. There are also a few extra surprises in store.”-
There will also be full mouse support for the game’s menus, and the team have entirely re-thought the interface for the hacking mini-game
Still, you gotta hand it to these guys for trying to play up the strengths of the PC as a gaming platform. I honestly hope that some of them see these comments to understand how much PC gamers appreciate that they treat us as important customers too instead of just hand-me-downs from Xbox. This makes me even more excited for this game now.
Anti-aliasing please. Screens look like either they're using some kind of edge blur technique or maybe they just doctored the screenshots to lessen the aliasing. Or, it's just really low like 2x aa.
Aliasing is so ugly. The game looks pretty good though; I just hope the levels are large again, or at least bigger than the levels in DX2. -