APB: Reloaded open beta this month

GamersFirst's revamped free-to-play version of the crime-tastic MMO created by Realtime Worlds will enter open beta later this month.


APB: Reloaded, the free-to-play resurrected version of Realtime Worlds' crime-tastic MMO APB, is to enter open beta this month, new publisher GamersFirst has announced.

While all barriers to entry will be officially removed on May 18, GamersFirst will also be letting people in early. Between now and then, access will be progressively granted to those who have registered a GamersFirst account and signed up for the APB: Reloaded newsletter on its official site. The publisher expects to let another 40,000 people in tomorrow.

APB: Reloaded is being developed by GamersFirst's Reloaded Productions studio. The company picked up APB in the wake of creator Realtime Worlds' financial collapse and closure.

It'll be run under a free-to-play model, letting everyone play for free but charging microtransactions for buying or leasing premium items.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    May 3, 2011 6:00 AM

    Alice O'Connor posted a new article, APB: Reloaded open beta this month.

    GamersFirst's revamped free-to-play version of the crime-tastic MMO created by Realtime Worlds will enter open beta later this month.

    • reply
      May 3, 2011 6:27 AM

      APB is one of the most disappointing games i've ever played and unless GamersFirst managed to radically change the game's core elements I really can't image this will be any better. I'll reserve my judgement until after I've played the beta but my expectations are very, very low.

      • reply
        May 3, 2011 6:33 AM

        Low expectations is a good way to come into any game. It helps you appreciate what is on offer without getting tripped up with your own baggage.

        Example of Baggage trip-up: http://arstechnica.com/gaming/reviews/2011/05/portal-2-a-good-game-but-not-a-great-one.ars

        This guy brought his own baggage to a game.

      • reply
        May 3, 2011 9:13 AM

        You must've not played Auto Assault. Consider yourself lucky, then. It still reigns as the most disappointing and stupidest MMO yet.

        • reply
          May 3, 2011 9:35 AM

          I liked auto assault :( it was fun driving around and shooting shit. Especially later on when you get bikes

      • reply
        May 3, 2011 10:07 AM

        I'm in the beta and they didn't, unfortunately. They at least didn't fix the stuff that I really cared about, which is namely the fact that it wasn't diverse or interesting enough to actually be fun. The shooting still feels like relative dice rolling with the lag problems and sometimes baffling hit detection. The missions are still basically of 2 or 3 total types.

        As heart breaking as it is, it looks like APB is doomed to forever be the game that should have been amazing.

    • reply
      May 3, 2011 6:35 AM

      I recall reading a post on here about a group of dudes who ran a Korean laundry service in the game, they zoomed around in a van and crashed into people and yelled, "YOU PAY NOW!"

      I have no interest in this game but that sounded fucking hilarious to me.

    • reply
      May 3, 2011 6:52 AM

      I'd totally play more APB. The Beta was cool. I didn't buy the game because there was no way in hell that game was worth paying monthly for.

    • reply
      May 3, 2011 7:07 AM

      I'm interested to see what changed. I know the game got tons of hate but I had fun when I was playing in groups with others. Some pretty epic moments.

      • reply
        May 3, 2011 8:32 AM

        I hated the cheaters and the first car. All else was shiny.

    • reply
      May 3, 2011 9:00 AM


    • reply
      May 3, 2011 9:02 AM


    • reply
      May 3, 2011 9:26 AM

      They should let me play the beta early for paying for that stupid game.

    • reply
      May 3, 2011 10:11 AM

      Man, that game was awesome.

      I think I logged around 200 hours the first two months it was out. It needs some balance changes for sure. But it was a blast. Arresting guys was the funnest shit ever... youd get guys who were sooooo pissed off at you... just fuming, and I would just sit there and laugh. Oh man, good times.

    • reply
      May 3, 2011 12:03 PM

      Well its better than when RTW was in charge but its still poor.

      If you are lucky you spwarn with in 100m if unlucky you can be up to 300m away so you instant fail that round unless your team can hold the enemy off long enough solo you just lost that round.

      If you are super lucky you won`t spwarn in front of the enemy team or have one or more spwarn right behind you where they more or less instant kill you.

      The death timer is now stupidly long around 10 seconds yet they make the time to kill less than 1 second on most weapons so who ever shoots win all most all ways wins and with the long respwarn timer 1 death can cost you the stage.

      The guns are still fairly badly balanced and with the change to mods you can make them even more OP.

      The health recover mod is semi ok if you just happen to only be under fire for a tenth of a second you live to recover.

      Kevlar is a joke you can take 1 more hit form some weapons but you are crippled movment wise so at best it will give around a tenth of a second more life under attack.

      Hitbox are an utter joke easy double if not triple the size of you and they lag behind when moving allowing you to be run over inside buildings dispite having like 30ms ping and the car been a good 5 meters or more away.

      Guns now last 10 days only but long enough to make that money back and much more.

      Missions are all bland and dull.

      Driving is the only real fun part of the game some what let down by how light they made the cars now slight turn and half of them flip over now for no reason other than there to light.

      There are quite alot of hackers dispite what gamefirst clame and with punkbuster i expect the number of hackers to easy double or more with in hours of the open beta and by lanuch be infested.

      Over all it could be the GTA mmo many people want but it fall short in all most every way.

      • reply
        May 3, 2011 12:05 PM

        What is "spwarn"?

        • reply
          May 3, 2011 2:24 PM

          spawning i all ways spell it as spwarn due to Dyslexia dispite the fact i know its wrong thats how i all ways type it unless pushed.

    • reply
      May 3, 2011 2:25 PM

      Looking forward to giving it a try.

    • reply
      May 3, 2011 7:22 PM

      this thing was a trainwreck of a video game. seriously, how could they have fixed it so quickly? you've gotta be skeptical. and im absolutely baffled by people in the thread using words like "awesome" or "cool" to describe the original version of this game.

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