The best skills to unlock - Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii
Earning skill points and money will allow you to unlock new skills in Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii, but which ones should you go for?
The skills really do pay the bills in Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii, so knowing which skills you want to invest your time and effort into is important. There are multiple skill trees to choose from, so let's break down some of the best skills to go after.
The best skills to unlock in Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii

First things first, pay close attention to your Shared abilities. These are abilities that will apply no matter what combat stance you are using, be it Mad Dog or Sea Dog; as such, there is some built-in extra value there due to how often you can take advantage of them over stance-specific abilities.
- Health Boost (Stats) - some of the fights in the game, especially boss battles, get quite rowdy, so a large health bar is definitely a boon.
- Attack Boost (Stats) - This will increase your overall attack power for all attacks, making it a fantastic investment.
- Knockdown Evasion (Shared Ability) - getting floored is a pain during fights, and this allows you to get back up from it much quicker. As long as you react fast enough you will bounce back up with a beautiful kip-up instead of lying on the ground and eating a bunch of follow-up damage.
- Quickstep Strike (Shared Ability) - This will allow you to throw a strike from Quickstep, which is your evade move. Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii doesn't care very much about animation breaks, and enemies will just launch shots at you while ou are hitting them, so being able to dodge rapidly and strike is vital.
- Grapple Counter (Shareed Abilities) - Grapples can be surprisingly annoying and allow enemies to interrupt your flow. This will give you a chance to counter them, which is very useful.
- Perfect Guard (Shared Abilities) - Using this on a perfectly timed block will allow you to smash through and create your own opening. It won't work on strong attacks, but that is okay, as the aforementioned Quickstep Strike will help us there.
- More Majima (Mad Dog) - Fighting in Mad Dog stance allows you to build up your Madness bar, and when it's full, you can unleash some clones of yourself. This will add more clones to the mix, turning an already powerful ability into something that is, frankly, overpowered.
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Aidan O'Brien posted a new article, The best skills to unlock - Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii