Fortnite tournament cheater banned for life, forced to forfeit winnings & apologize on YouTube
Epic Games took legal action against RepulseGod after they shared their account to qualify for FNCS.
This weekend, Epic Games announced that it took legal action against a player who cheated to qualify for an FNCS (Fortnite Champion Series) tournament back in 2023. The player has been banned for life, was ordered to donate their tournament winnings to charity, and was forced to upload a video confessing and apologizing on YouTube.
Epic Games announced its action against Fortnite player RepulseGod in a post on X Sunday. “We took legal action against a player who shared their account to unfairly qualify for FNCS,” the post reads. “Now they’re banned from Fortnite tournaments forever and their undeserved prize money was donated to charity.”
RepulseGod uploaded a video to their personal YouTube channel, where they admitted to sharing their account with another user, named Forbes, to qualify for the 2023 FNCS Grand Finals. Their winnings from the tournament are being donated to Child’s Play, a games industry charity that provides games and toys to children in pediatric hospitals.
Following the RepulseGod incident, Epic Games says its increasing legal efforts against cheaters to keep Fortnite “fun and fair for all players.”
Donovan Erskine posted a new article, Fortnite tournament cheater banned for life, forced to forfeit winnings & apologize on YouTube