Sony files patent regarding use of AI tech to anticipate player input & reduce lag

Rollback netcode, but for all PlayStation online gaming?

Image via Sony

Sony has filed an interesting new patent this week that will utilize AI technology to try to reduce lag in gaming. The patent specifically focuses on AI to predict player inputs via a camera and study of their behavior. If it can learn about the player and their interactions, it may be able to reduce lag in online games.

Sony’s latest patent was filed and published late in 2024, but was discovered just recently, as reported by The pantent, numbered WO2025010132 and named Timed Input/Action Release, goes into detail about the use of AI to learn player behavior and predict inputs before they even happen through machine learning, as shared below:

Sony's patent regarding the Timed Input/Action Release in gaming using AI machine learning to predict player input.
Sony's Timed Input/Action Release patent sounds suspiciously like it's trying to implement rollback netcode across online gaming.
Source: Sony

The system sounds suspiciously like rollback netcode in fighting games with an AI twist. For those who don’t know, a fighting game with rollback netcode anticipates player action and on-screen flow of information in real-time, leading to what should be a cleaner online match experience. If the players deviate from expectation, the game “rolls back” to the place where the misstep occurred to correct it and the match moves on. It’s hard to say if that is the foundation of this new AI-based patent, but it sounds almost too similar to be a coincidence. After all, rollback netcode has been a popular form of online connectivity in the likes of Guilty Gear Strive, Street Fighter 6, and Tekken 8.

It's hard to say how well this philosophy can be applied to other genres of games because we haven't really seen rollback netcode outside of fighting games. That said, if Sony can pull off what rollback does for those games in other genres, that seems well worth watching. Stay tuned for further updates and news.

Senior News Editor

TJ Denzer is a player and writer with a passion for games that has dominated a lifetime. He found his way to the Shacknews roster in late 2019 and has worked his way to Senior News Editor since. Between news coverage, he also aides notably in livestream projects like the indie game-focused Indie-licious, the Shacknews Stimulus Games, and the Shacknews Dump. You can reach him at and also find him on BlueSky @JohnnyChugs.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    January 14, 2025 10:00 AM

    TJ Denzer posted a new article, Sony files patent to use AI technology anticipate player input & reduce lag

    • reply
      January 14, 2025 10:16 AM

      After reading the patent, it definitely seems like Sony is trying to build a rollback netcode system for all of its online gaming. AI predicts your behavior and attempts to anticipate your input. If it's wrong, it goes back to a correct state. We haven't seen much of this outside of fighting games, so interested to see how it turns out.

      • reply
        January 14, 2025 11:08 AM

        I swear I’m not trying to troll or anything, I’m legitimately confused. Aren’t you the author of the article? Why are you responding as though you aren’t?

        If you’re not the author, then TJ needs to change his about the author snippet at the bottom of the article.

        • reply
          January 14, 2025 11:45 AM

          The news piece isn't an opinion piece. It's news. But if I feel like adding some personal feelings to the matter, I do and I almost always have where I felt like it. We're allowed to talk about the things we write. Why the concern?

          • reply
            January 14, 2025 11:50 AM

            Your comment reads like a random poster engaging with the author of the article. That you do this on almost all your articles also makes it seem like you’re trying to make the comments seem busier than they are. It all feels a bit disingenuous even if you’re not trying to be. If you had more commentary to make about the subject, why wasn’t it in your article?

            • reply
              January 14, 2025 11:57 AM

              Because it's a news article and not an opinion piece. And no, I don't do it on all articles. Just the ones I feel like talking about. It's straight-up just sharing an opinion and inviting others to the conversation on the chat system that is there for everyone involved. If it comes off disingenuous, that is not the intention, but also I just feel like talking about this stuff because it's interesting to me.

              • reply
                January 14, 2025 12:00 PM

                To my recollection, every former Shacknews employee who had a chatty account would post with their actual name on the Shack while employed to avoid this kind of perception issue.

                • reply
                  January 14, 2025 12:08 PM

                  A lot of them did, but also a lot of them did not.

                  • reply
                    January 14, 2025 12:13 PM

                    Yes, that's news to me. I haven't seen any of my colleagues do that and I haven't ever been asked to do it myself. I just felt like adding something personal to the conversation that I didn't feel fit the mission of simply posting the facts first.

                    • reply
                      January 14, 2025 12:14 PM

                      Just to give two examples, Chris Remo and Alice O’Connor were former employees who had chatty accounts before they were hired and stopped posting with those until after they left. They aren’t your colleagues though to be fair.

                      • reply
                        January 14, 2025 12:21 PM

                        And to be fair in kind, your examples are from 2008 and 2014. I came on in 2019. And I've never seen any of my other colleagues do that. But also to Rumpo's point, my handle is in my author bio. It was never a secret who I am. Again, I literally just feel like talking about Sony inventing some weird AI rollback system because I'm a fighting game fanatic and I thought, "Oh, did other folks see what they're building here? Looks familiar." But yes, I am that guy.

                        • reply
                          January 14, 2025 12:26 PM

                          Just to be clear, are your colleagues posting on their articles using a chatty user name that isn’t their real name? I don’t see Ozzy doing this.

                          • reply
                            January 14, 2025 12:33 PM

                            It really doesn't matter to me if they are or aren't. I'm not policing their articles outside editing copy. And if they wanted to talk about their work or engage in extended conversation beyond their pieces, I wouldn't stop them. That's silly.

                • reply
                  January 14, 2025 12:10 PM

                  This is exactly what lead to my confusion. In every other instance of an article author wanting to continue to conversation it’s been with the same name as was used to publish the article.

                  I think it’s totally a fair point to separate personal opinion from the actual news, btw.

                  • reply
                    January 14, 2025 12:19 PM

                    This is 100 percent incorrect.

                    You are really missing the mark today.

                    • reply
                      January 14, 2025 12:22 PM

                      Okay dude. If you are a mod or something (since you are such an important figure that you edit author bios) then you really gotta work on your tone.

                      You really are missing the mark today.

        • reply
          January 14, 2025 12:11 PM

          You do realize that TJ's handle (JohnnyChugs) is in his author bio. There's no attempt to hide who he is. You saying he needs to update his author bio suggests you didn't take the time to read it before criticizing him.

          And no, his author bio hasn't changed in some time. Source: Guy who updates and edits author bios.

          • reply
            January 14, 2025 12:20 PM

            I do realize that, hence my question. My confusion lied in the way his reply sounds like someone commenting on an article they’ve read, not the author sharing his personal opinion on the news piece.

            I wasn’t criticizing him at all, I asked him a question. If I hadn’t read the author bio as you suggest, how would i have thought to mention it in my question? I would guess most readers read the news article but probably not the author bio, so it’s fair to not pick up on the connection at first glance.

            I really don’t understand where your angry tone is coming from. Can you explain why you are reacting so aggressively?

            • reply
              January 14, 2025 12:23 PM

              you see aggression?

              • reply
                January 14, 2025 12:24 PM

                Between that and his other reply to me? Yeah for sure I do.

                • reply
                  January 14, 2025 12:25 PM

                  interesting. the only passive aggression I see is from you...since you're such an important figure...

        • reply
          January 14, 2025 12:43 PM

          Freezing the subthread. Explanations have been provided, some reason has been seen, time for everybody to move on.

    • reply
      January 14, 2025 12:30 PM

      What a mess. I literally just wanted to talk about if Sony is creating AI rollback netcode for its online gaming or not lol.

      Also, I'm probably going to do it again, so please realize I just feel like talking about the news and topics that interest me sometimes.

      • reply
        January 14, 2025 1:25 PM

        It will be interesting to see how it is implemented in racing games or rpg?

        • reply
          January 14, 2025 1:34 PM

          Racing games would be a key place to watch for this because of the need for lowest-latency input feedback and on-screen information. The next Gran Turismo could be a test bed for them to try this out.

    • reply
      January 14, 2025 12:37 PM

      Back in my day aimbots got you banned. Now they're a feature. Get off my lawn server.

      • reply
        January 14, 2025 12:42 PM

        Funny enough, Sony also seems to have filed a patent to have AI impersonate players to catch cheaters which seems... pretty problematic? Using cheats to catch cheats I guess. The AI future is weird.

    • reply
      January 14, 2025 1:20 PM

      Can Sony AI figure out minimum number of shackers needed for a shack pile?

      • reply
        January 14, 2025 2:37 PM

        Google’s competing AI product will be able to find the tiniest hills to die on.

      • reply
        January 14, 2025 4:13 PM

        One. The number is one.

      • reply
        January 15, 2025 7:07 AM

        Depends, is it a naked shack pile?

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