All Elemental Progenitors in Warframe

Ensure you bring the right Warframe when spawning your Kuva or Tenet weapon.

Digital Extremes

Kuva and Tenet weapons are powerful options in Warframe that can spawn with innate elemental damage types. This adds to their overall damage profile and can make modding them for important elemental reactions much easier.

All Elemental Progenitors in Warframe

The different elemental Progenitors for the Kuva and Tenet weapons are as follows:

Element Effect
Cold Frost, Gara, Hildryn, Koumei, Revenant, Styanax, Titania, Trinity
Electricity Banshee, Caliban, Excalibur, Gyre, Limbo, Nova, Valkyr, Volt
Heat Chroma, Ember, Inaros, Jade, Kullervo, Nezha, Protea, Vauban, Wisp
Impact Baruuk, Dante, Gauss, Grendel, Rhino, Sevagoth, Wukong, Zephyr
Magnetic Citrine, Cyte-09, Harrow, Hydroid, Lavos, Mag, Mesa, Xaku, Yareli
Radiation Ash, Equinox ,Garuda, Loki, Mirage, Nyx, Octavia, Qorvex, Voruna
Toxin Atlas, Dagath, Ivara, Khora, Nekros, Nidus, Oberon, Saryn

Using the above Warframes to kill either a Grineer Kuva Larvling or a Corpus Candidate will spawn the relevant Lich or Sister with a weapon that has innate damage of the corresponding damage type. When it comes to which type to pick, there is a lot to consider, and it boils down to what you are trying to do with the weapon. Think carefully about who you are fighting and their weaknesses, and then select accordingly. Of course, you can never go wrong with Heat for armor strip or Toxin, as it builds into Viral, which is important for Slash builds. 

For more helpful guides, be sure to check out our Warframe page.

Contributing Guides Editor

Hailing from Ireland, Aidan has been conditioned by local weather conditions to survive hours at his PC grinding through whatever game is offering the lowest possible drop rates for loot. He thinks the easiest way to figure out what fans of games want to read is to just be a fan of games. You can normally find him logged into Warframe, Destiny, or a gacha game. You can reach out to him on X @scannerbarkly.

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