The best loadouts in Arena Breakout: Infinite
Here are a few loadouts you can try to get going in Arena Breakout: Infinite
One of the most important things in Arena Breakout: Infinite is your loadout. Since there are so many options to pick from, it's very easy to get overwhelmed with what to bring and what you should spend your hard-earned Koen on. To help guide you through these troubling times, we give you some pointers on what you should look out for when gearing up for a raid and some recommendations for cheap builds that can carry you into ranked.
On loadouts

Source: Morefun Studio
A little bit of theory crafting so you know what you’re doing. Think of your loadout as an investment rather than just equipment. You always aim to leave the raid with more money than you’ve spent since good guns and good equipment will only get you so far. In most cases, you want to go with guns that shoot cheap but good ammo, ideally Level 4 or higher. If you’re playing normal raids Level 3 will be enough. The 5.45x39 BP and PP Ammo for example work with most AKs which are cheap and easy to mod.
For armor, you want to go for something that will hold up against most AI opponents and might invest in something stronger if you plan to PvP. And Level 3 armored rigs should be more than enough for starters, if you have money to spend you might consider an upgrade. As for helmets, the SH12 Military Helmet with built-in headphones is hard to beat. You don’t have to bring a backpack, as you can always loot one off AI or other players but consider bringing a small one like the Lightweight or Medium Camping Backpack.

Source: Morefun Studio
As for medicine, Energy Drinks and Liquid Painkillers are the best when it comes to bang for your buck. Bring a few of these just in case. Bring a Standard or TMK Military Surgical Pack Kit, which you can store in your secure container. You also want to bring at least a Field Bandage, around 400 HP worth of Medkits preferably the Standard First Aid Kits, and at least two beverages of your choice for hydration.
All of this should be enough to get you to level 30 and beyond, as a rule of thumb try not to spend more than 100,000 Koen on your gear and use and modify any decent weapons you might find.
Weapon Build Recommendations

Source: Morefun Studio
Here are a few weapons that won’t break the bank and help you succeed in the early goings of your Arena Breakout: Infinite career.
The tried and true AK-74

Source: Morefun Studio
Be it the AK-74N or the AKS-74, you can’t go wrong with this fine piece of Eastern European engineering. The Level 3 and Level 4 5.45x39 Ammo is cheap and kitting the gun out with a foregrip, a decent holo sight, and a silencer should not be a problem. The silencer isn’t a must-have but telling everyone in a 10-meter radius that you’re shooting beats giving your location away to the entire map.
The Vector 45 Anklebiter

Source: Morefun Studio
Cheap .45 Caliber AP Ammo and the high rate of fire make the Vector 45 (as of writing) the best gun Koen can buy. Kitting it out with a foregrip, sight, drum-mag, and silencer will still land you somewhere south of 50,000 Koen per gun. It will chew through most types of armor regardless of strength or ignore them completely when you mag dump if you aim for the legs.
SKS - long-range menace for a discount

Source: Morefun Studio
The SKS is another classic and the old reliable for anyone who favors long-range engagements. We wouldn’t recommend using this unless you’re going for kills or bring it as a secondary weapon. With the dovetail mount, it is easy to kit it out with a decent scope like 4/10x or 4xPSO, an extended mag, some Level 3 7.62x39mm Ammo, and maybe a silencer.
S12K Drum Shotgun

Source: Morefun Studio
In case you’re looking for something more intimate, the S12K has you covered. Loaded with affordable 12x70mm Armor-Piercing Slugs in a drum magazine and kitted out with a reflex sight, and silencer, makes it a threat in any close-quarters combat situation. You might want to bring a light SMG as a backup just in case, but it is super effective at point-blank range.
That’s it with our guide for loadouts in Arena Breakout: Infinite. For more information, please check out our other guides, like how to find the safe in "A Humble Beginning" and how to heal up like the pros.
Timo Reinecke posted a new article, The best loadouts in Arena Breakout: Infinite