Where to collect prized alcohol in The Forever Winter - Thief in the Night quest guide

Time to deliver a little dystopian justice and get the booze back in The Forever Winter.


It’s hard to forgive someone who would steal from others in a terrifying and dangerous future where resources are slim, so getting back prized alcohol in The Forever Winters means someone is getting dealt with the harsh way.

Where to collect prized alcohol in The Forever Winter

Scannerbarkly on Cortex

For this quest, set your region to Mech Trenches and your entry point to Elevator. We will be going through one of the best spots to farm medical supplies in the game, as that is where our target is hiding, so bring some decent carry capacity with you.

The yellow stairs near the elevator in the Mech Trenches

Source: Shacknews

You will spawn into a long tunnel, make your way to the end, and then climb the yellow stairs. At the top, take a look down the tunnel to the left. If you see a large mech, then that is actually good, as it should mean our exfiltration route is clear. If you see a group of men on foot, be careful and let them get far away before opening the door.

It makes a lot of noise, and if they hear it, they will come to investigate, which we don’t want. If you are lucky, the door at the top of the steps will be open already.

Head inside and make your way through the corridor, but slow down and crouch when you reach the end. There is likely to be a group of soldiers patrolling through, and if not, our target is near, and we don’t want to alert him to our presence. 

If the patrol is there, let them pass. This patrol tends to have two patterns. They walk from the right of the room to the left side, then down the stairs and check out the lower level, or they will double back before heading down to the next level, so don’t get caught out. 

The thief lurks in the shadows of the Mech Trenches med bay

Source: Shacknews

The man we want is on the far side of this main room, in the shadows, almost directly across from the body bags near the bottom of the stairs. As long as you couch walk, he will not hear you coming as he is facing the other way. Sneak up behind him and then melee him. If you use a gun here, you are likely to alert a lot of enemies.

Hit melee (it defaults to the middle mouse button), and you will swing the butt of your weapon. You need to hit him four times to kill him, so keep smacking away and don’t give him a chance to get away or shoot. When that is done, loot his body, and you will get the three bottles of alcohol that you need.

Three bottles of prized alcohol in The Forever Winter

Source: Shacknews

Unless you already have an item in your medical slot, these will default to it, so don’t accidentally use one if you get injured, or you will need to rerun the quest again to get the third one you need.

Now it’s time to decide if you want to stay looting or leave. The room you are in normally has a lot of lockers from which you can score medical supplies, and the extraction is pretty close, so you should be able to safely check what other loot is around. 

The way to extraction from the Med Bay in Mech Trenches

Source: Shacknews

When you are ready to go, head through the door with the three stacked hospital beds on the left side as you enter, and you’ll be on a straight shot to the extraction.

Now that you know where to find the prized alcohol be sure to check our Forever Winter page for more helpful guides.

Contributing Guides Editor

Hailing from Ireland, Aidan has been conditioned by local weather conditions to survive hours at his PC grinding through whatever game is offering the lowest possible drop rates for loot. He thinks the easiest way to figure out what fans of games want to read is to just be a fan of games. You can normally find him logged into Warframe, Destiny, or a gacha game. You can reach out to him on X @scannerbarkly.

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