Where to find water in The Forever Winter - Rigged For Looting quest guide

Water keeps The Innards alive, and without a home, we all die. This is where you can find it in The Forever Winter.

Fun Dog Studios

Water is essential in The Forever Winter; without it, your settlement will fall apart. This is brutal in this challenging game, as it means that all your items and loot will be lost. If The Innards die, then hope dies with it.

Where to find water in The Forever Winter

The Regions Map in The Forever Winter

Source: Shacknews

The easiest place to find water is in the Mech Trenches region. You will need to select this from the Regions screen before you load in, as your map will not change over to it automatically, even if you have picked up the quest to find water. You can see a full video of the route to take below, along with written instructions and accompanying pictures.

Scannerbarkly on Cortex

Select the Mech Trenches and make sure your entry point is set to the Elevator. Load in, and you will find yourself in a large tunnel with some railway tracks. Walk to the end, and you will find some stairs that you can climb. 

The yellow ladder in The Mech Trenches

Source: Shacknews

At the top is a door that you can open, and then inside that door is a short, L-shaped corridor. Follow this, but crouch at the end and very slowly approach the light. There will be some yellow steps in front of you leading to the right, and below and to the left is a hunter squad.

The body bags in the Mech Trenches

Source: Shacknews

They leave via a tunnel on the left side and you can just wait for them to go, then go downstairs and move across and to the right. Just past some body bags, you will find a loot container and some water on the ground beside it.

Pick up the container, and then it's time to go; if you stay too long, the hunters will return and find you, which is not fun. Move to the right side of the room, and take the exit near the strange multi-level medical trolley.

The exit from the Mech Trenches

Source: Shacknews

When you leave that door, head left, down the stairs, and then left again to come to another long corridor. There is a track at the end you need to cross, and if you can, just run all the way across and then down the far corridor. 

There is a door on the left at the end that will bring you to the extraction point. If you haven't looked at the video, I strongly suggest you do, as the level is quite dark, and the route might be hard to follow if you don't see someone run it at least once.

Be careful if you think you can just loot this area over and over again. The more you go, the more things will change. Enemy placements and loot placements will all cycle as you explore it more, but it should reset each day.

Now that you have water, The Innards will be safe for a few more days. Be sure to check out our Forever Winter page for more helpful guides.

Contributing Guides Editor

Hailing from Ireland, Aidan has been conditioned by local weather conditions to survive hours at his PC grinding through whatever game is offering the lowest possible drop rates for loot. He thinks the easiest way to figure out what fans of games want to read is to just be a fan of games. You can normally find him logged into Warframe, Destiny, or a gacha game. You can reach out to him on X @scannerbarkly.

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