First Minecraft Movie teaser shows Creepers, Piglins & Jack Black as Steve

A Minecraft Movie hits theaters in April 2025.

Warner Bros. Pictures

Warner Bros. has dropped the first trailer for A Minecraft Movie, an upcoming adaptation of one the endlessly popular survival game. It gives us our first look at the blocky world of Minecraft, several of its iconic creatures, and Jack Black as Steve.

The teaser for A Minecraft Movie dropped this morning and is just over a minute long. It’s light on story details, but we can see a group of human characters enter the animated world of Minecraft through a blue portal. It’s packed with references to in-game mechanics like crafting and building. One segment shows the characters at a Nether Fortress, which is inhabited by Piglins.

The trailer builds to the reveal of Jack Black, who is playing Minecraft’s iconic everyman protagonist, Steve. He’s wearing his signature blue shirt, and seems like some sort of mentor to the characters who unexpectedly find themselves in the world of Minecraft.

A Minecraft Movie comes to theaters on April 4, 2025. With this just being a teaser, we can expect more trailers to release between now and April. For more on the myriad video game adaptations in the works, stick with Shacknews.

News Editor

Donovan is a young journalist from Maryland, who likes to game. His oldest gaming memory is playing Pajama Sam on his mom's desktop during weekends. Pokémon Emerald, Halo 2, and the original Star Wars Battlefront 2 were some of the most influential titles in awakening his love for video games. After interning for Shacknews throughout college, Donovan graduated from Bowie State University in 2020 with a major in broadcast journalism and joined the team full-time. He is a huge Scream nerd and film fanatic that will talk with you about movies and games all day. You can follow him on twitter @Donimals_

From The Chatty
  • reply
    September 4, 2024 8:21 AM

    Donovan Erskine posted a new article, First Minecraft Movie teaser shows Creepers, Piglins & Jack Black as Steve

    • reply
      September 4, 2024 6:28 AM

      Minecraft movie trailer

      • reply
        September 4, 2024 6:55 AM

        cool, Jack Black Steve looks entertaining.. movie release @ April 4, 2025 (no joke)

      • reply
        September 4, 2024 7:17 AM

        Licensing that song probably cost a good chunk of their budget.

        The one liners in the trailer were awful, but this might be fun anyway. The kids will probably want to watch it.

      • reply
        September 4, 2024 7:28 AM

        Wasn't Mac from It's Always Sunny originally supposed to direct this?

      • reply
        September 4, 2024 7:32 AM

        Woah, what happened to Momoa??

        • reply
          September 4, 2024 7:45 AM

          someone on reddit said he's cosplaying Chris Chan lol

      • reply
        September 4, 2024 7:36 AM

        That looks like it would super appeal to me. I hope it turns out good, darn it.

        • reply
          September 4, 2024 9:16 AM

          I messaged my friend in L.A. to tell her to pass the trailer on to her twins, and she said that her daughter actually saw an early test screening recently and thought it was okay. Given the cast and the visuals in the trailer, I am perfectly fine with just okay and will happily watch it on the big screen once it hits streaming.

      • reply
        September 4, 2024 7:37 AM

        visually that looked great, but what the fuck is the story here?

        • reply
          September 4, 2024 7:52 AM

          It seems like the movie is somewhat following the story from Minecraft Legends - The Piglins from the Nether attack the overworld, and the Heroes have to stop them.
          At least that what it seems to me from what was shown.

          • reply
            September 4, 2024 8:55 AM

            as someone who has never touched a Minecraft game... fuck it, I'd watch that

        • reply
          September 4, 2024 12:58 PM

          Yeah it looks fine, not sure what the rage is

          Other than the fact that Jack Black is just playing Jack Black (but isn't that always the case?)

        • reply
          September 5, 2024 4:56 AM

          Jumanji with voxels

        • reply
          September 5, 2024 7:41 AM

          If follows the game story quite closely: punch trees until you can dig rocks until you can kill a dragon or some shit.

      • reply
        September 4, 2024 7:47 AM

        Going to make like a billion dollars

      • reply
        September 4, 2024 10:50 AM

        The top Reddit comment on the trailer summed up my thoughts.. "This is going to be a bag of shit and make a billion dollars"

        • reply
          September 4, 2024 12:53 PM

          Just like the other major franchise video game movie with Jack Black in it that was also a bag of shit.

          Granted that one wasn’t aimed at little kids.

      • reply
        September 4, 2024 1:36 PM

        Why on earth would they not go all CG like Mario

      • reply
        September 5, 2024 7:49 AM

        looks awful

    • reply
      September 4, 2024 10:35 AM

      is this going to be timed with Minecraft 2 or something?

    • reply
      September 4, 2024 12:53 PM

      Going to be honest - this is one of those movies I thought would never actually be made, they’d just talk about it forever while it languished in development hell.

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