Controls, moves & abilities - Astro Bot

Learn how to control Astro as well as how to do all of the unique BOT moves and abilities.


Astro Bot has a few new controls and several new abilities for players to use across the dozens of worlds. While those who played the first game will already know the fundamentals, it can be worth revisiting some of the basics so you avoid getting stuck on some puzzles.

All controls, moves, and abilities

Astro controls much like you would expect a character to in a platformer game. The cute little robot is able to run around, jump across ledges, and even melee some robot threats in the nose. However, Astro has a few other nifty tricks up its metallic sleeves.

Astro Bot controls
Action Input
Movement Left thumbstick
Camera Right thumbstick
Jump Cross
Hover Hold Cross while in the air
Melee Square
Charged spinning move Hold Square
Drill into the groudn Hold Square while standing on an X
Interact with object (pull cord etc) Hold Square (context sensitive)
Ship boost (while looking at map) Hold R2
Launch at end of level L2 + R2
Whistle (exploring crash site) Triangle
D-pad Down Dance / Emote

As you can see, many of Astro’s moves and controls are fairly straightforward. The hover is a useful tool for crossing gaps, as it allows Astro to temporarily float through the air. However, the laser thrusters will cut out after a couple of seconds, so make sure you reach your destination.

Aside from these moves that can be done nearly everywhere, there are several unique moves that can only be done in certain worlds and in the right context. For example, the drilling into the ground move can only be done when you’re standing on an X. This lets Astro pierce into the ground, which typically results in finding a secret area.

Similarly, you can hold Square to interact with some objects in the world. Anytime you see a bunch of wires, hold Square and pull at the wires to perform a unique action. Sometimes it will be pulling out a tail of an enemy to spin them around; other times you’ll extract a sort of flower you can use as a helicopter to reach higher levels.

There are a bunch of new moves and abilities to learn in Astro Bot. Whenever you encounter a new ability, make sure you play around and see how it works, and try seeing how it interacts with the moves you already know. Check out our Astro Bot topic page for more information on Team ASOBI’s latest title.

Guides Editor

Hailing from the land down under, Sam Chandler brings a bit of the southern hemisphere flair to his work. After bouncing round a few universities, securing a bachelor degree, and entering the video game industry, he's found his new family here at Shacknews as a Guides Editor. There's nothing he loves more than crafting a guide that will help someone. If you need help with a guide, or notice something not quite right, you can message him on X: @SamuelChandler 

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