How to unlock the gate in Chapter of The Casting of Frank Stone
No locked gates or doors will stand in your way, thanks to our The Casting of Frank Stone door guide.
The Casting of Frank Stone gate in chapter 6 is a deceptive door. For one thing, it looks more like it’s locking away an elevator rather than a door, but for another, it also requires more than a bit of puzzlework. In fact, you better hope your exploration skills are up to snuff, too.
Players are introduced to this elegant gate in Chapter 4: These Walls Have Eyes, but it’s not until Chapter 6: Beyond The Gate that you get the opportunity to open the door up. It’s during this chapter that Madison, Linda, and Stan summarize that their best course of action is to open up the door and hide inside. After all, if they’re being watched and possibly hunted down for their film reels, the best place to hide is behind a solid steel gated door.
But how to open it? The gate has two cylinders already inside, with a hole missing in the middle. So, the best guess is that you’ll need to find the missing cylinder.
How to open the gate in Chapter 6
Find the Key
After Stan opens up the final gate that leads to the top floor of the Atrium, head upstairs alongside Linda.
At the far right corner of the room, next to the windows, you’ll see a small, closed-off section of the room where a square table sits. On the top of the table is a key. This is all you need from the top floor for the gate puzzle, but there are also several collectibles to be found up here too, so make sure you grab those before you descend back down.
Head to the cabinet to the right side of the portraits

On the same floor as the locked gate, there are three portraits. While you will have to look at these more closely, your focus now should be on the cabinet to the right of them. If you’re not sure which cabinet, it’s the one directly beside a window.

Head over there and interact with the cabinet. It will open to reveal a small display of The Hillbilly with his chainsaw and hammer, bending down to stomp a lit boon totem. Unfortunately, there seems to be something missing from the left of the display that prevents the diorama from fully playing out the rest of the scene.
Grab the tree diorama

Eagle-eyed players might have spotted the tree diorama back in Chapter 4, but now it’s actually got some use to it. Or, if you’re a Dead by Daylight player who recognized that the Hillbilly backdrop is set in Coldwind Farms, you’ll know that the location simply isn’t complete without a hulking, giant tree at its center.
The tree diorama is at the bottom floor and can be spotted from across where Madison stands at the bottom of the stairs. Pick it up, and take it back upstairs to use on the cabinet.

Once placed, the Hillbilly diorama will let out a noise and reveal a hammer from a secret compartment. You’ve guessed it, another piece of the puzzle to place somewhere else.
Go to the Hillbilly alarm clock

Alongside being creepy, Augustine Lieber has plenty of Dead by Daylight merchandise. Her favourite is the Hillbilly alarm clock that you can spot near the stairs of the floor you’re on.
Unfortunately for Hillbilly, he’s missing his all-important hammer. You can insert it into his hand now that you’ve got it from the other diorama.
The moment you do, another compartment will open up, revealing a cylinder similar to the ones in the locked gate.
Insert the cylinder

Take the cylinder to the locked gate and insert it. At this point you may think you’re done, but nope! Augustine’s locked gate requires you figure out a quick puzzle first before you can open the door.
A quick inspection of the cylinders highlight that they’ve all got symbols on them that relate to Dead by Daylight perks. However, the door will only unlock if you put the right symbol in the correct order.
Locked gate puzzle combination

Remember the portraits before? Isn’t it weird that there are 3 of them - aka, the exact number of cylinders in the locked gate. To figure out the order of the locked gate puzzle, check the right and left corner of these portraits closely.
Or, if you’d rather just know the puzzle combination yourself with no messing around then you’re in luck, we’ll tell you: House, Tree, Hammer.
With the right order put in, the gate will finally open and you’ll be able to continue on your horror-infested journey in The Casting of Frank Stone.
Aimee Hart posted a new article, How to unlock the gate in Chapter of The Casting of Frank Stone